Phoenix Comicon 2015 Photo Gallery
There were a lot of amazing cosplayers at Phoenix Comicon, our gallery is but a single drop in a vast ocean of costumers. We zoomed around non stop the entire weekend stopping people for photos. We were even able to get a couple big name cosplayers to stop for a photo and an interview as well! (Like Rosanna Rocha and Lindsey Elyse!) they will be coming soon, as well as an overview! To make a long story short, Phoenix Comicon 2015 was the best con I have ever been to. I’ve been going since 2010 and this year was the greatest!Â
All photos were taken by Shots Fired Photography! They are a great group of guys from Arizona who will be working with this to cover Cons and Cosplay photoshoots from now on!Â
A re you in this photo gallery? Let us know! We’ll credit you as the cosplayer or the costume maker!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo
Elizabeth Vegh
I am the one cosplaying as the short haired Sonic (with Knuckles).
Darth Mexican
Awesome! 🙂 I’ll add that info! I loved your cosplay! 😀
Darth Mexican
If you click the image and then click the ‘i’ the info should appear! Do you have the name of Knuckles? 🙂
miguel torres
hay nice pick didn’t know how i looked with that mask on. i am the hunk.
Kip Mussatt
Page 3 top left is Toni Darling as Furiosa from Mad Max. Her and I worked on the costume and arm. She can be found: FB and Instagram: Toni Darling, twitter: _ToniDarling, toni-darling.com
I’m Kipsworld, Kipsworldart, kipsworld.org
Awesome photos! 🙂
Darth Mexican
Thanks! 😀 I’ll edit the information soon!