PETA Wants Warhammer To Stop Their Fictional Characters From Using Fur
PETA Wants Warhammer To Stop Their Fictional Characters From Using Fur The Warhammer franchise was created by Games Workshop and features both a Sci Fi world set in the year 40,000 and a fantasy setting. The tone of both worlds is
Cosplayer of the Week: Zerstoren
Cosplayer of the Week: Zerstoren Coming into 2017 I made a promise to myself that I would expand our reach to other awesome parts of the world in order to interview other dope cosplayers! One of those areas in particular was Russia!
Marvel’s Latest Hero, America Chavez, Is Pretty Dope!
Marvel's Latest Hero, America Chavez, Is Pretty Dope! With all that has been going on with the new presidency, it is safe to say that tensions are high. Various people around our great nation feel unease about the future despite being
Can Women Be Superheroes?
Can Women Be Superheroes? By Mary P. Since 1944, there have been 76 Marvel and DC related movies. By 2020, there will be 17 more. Out of all 93 of these movies, 4* feature a woman as the main character. We all
Redshirt Interviews: Great Minds Think Geek
Redshirt Interviews: Great Minds Think Geek Tabletop gaming will always have a special place in my heart. As much as I love a good video game, nothing quite replicates sitting down with a bunch of friends over a table adorned with
Phoenix Comicon Does Right By Community
Phoenix Comicon Does Right By Community A few weeks ago there was a major upset in the Arizona convention community when Phoenix Comicon made an announcement regarding a change in how they would handle volunteers. We covered the story as it
Astroneer- The Space Game You Want
Astroneer- The Space Game You Want With the disappointment of No Man's Sky, I was very wary of any space games that proclaimed fun exploration and space creation. So when I started Astroneer, I was hesitant to get too excited. But let