5 Ways to Make Your Brand More Professional

Looking to help make your brand more respected amongst your peers or sponsors? We have 5 Ways to Make Your Brand More Professional!
Create a Dedicated Business Email
If you truly respect your business then you’ll separate your personal life from professional. Having customers or clients email Hispanicatthedisco19@gmail.com sets a bad image as though you don’t take yourself seriously or you are very new to the industry. Don’t worry about having to fork out the funds for domain email like info@thegeeklyfe.com. You can easily create something like businessname@gmail.com and it’ll do the job.
Be sure to also set up your phone to receive those emails from the account as well!
Put Your Contact Information In Your Social Media Bio
What is the point of working every single day hoping and praying that brands will want to work with you if you make it difficult for them to contact you? Years ago it was commonplace to have a Contact Us section on the website and expect everyone to contact you there. However, times have changed and people tend to flock to social media pages rather than direct websites. This is why it is important to ensure your main contact email is placed there. If you’re on social media, make sure to use tactics to get more followers to strengthen your brand.
You would not believe just how many content creators we pass over just because it was difficult to find their contact information.
Have Unified Branding
Make sure all of your social media handles are exactly or almost exactly the same. When you have drastically different usernames for each platform it can be hard for fans to follow your content. Even if there are social media platforms you don’t actively use, just secure your business name in the event you choose to use it. There is no harm at all and it takes minutes.
Practice Your Elevator Pitch
If you are a content creator you’ve more than likely been asked “What do you do?” or “What is your brand about?”. Having well-crafted responses will help everyone involved. The customer/peer understands the purpose of your brand, you can focus on speaking with confidence while your mind autopilots, and if there are others around, they’ll realize just how serious you are about your business.
If you need help crafting an elevator pitch consider a simple elevator ride. It ranges from 30 seconds to a minute and a half and imagine that you are riding with someone who can change your entire life if you are able to sell your brand to them. What would you say to them?
For us, it is “The Geek Lyfe is a pop culture media outlet that focuses on bringing more representation to overlooked groups such as LGBTQ and POC content creators.”. In a single sentence, you have a pretty good idea of who we are and what we do. Once you have this down, you can focus on the confidence aspect!
Create Canned Content
One of the hardest aspects about being a content creator is the daily grind. Not only must you focus on how you are going to grow bigger but you must also fix anything that breaks or network with peers. Finding a way to make your brand more efficient will be a massive help. Schedule social media posts for Facebook so that every Wednesday night it pushes one of your most popular pieces of content. Find tools like IFTTT to post on multiple social media channels at once. Create a Google Doc of frequently asked questions, responses, contacts, hashtags, etc.
Anything to make what you do easier will be worth the hour or so of investment. Then you can bask in the hours of time you saved so you can focus on the more important aspects!
These have been 5 Ways to Make Your Brand More Professional! There are many other ways that we’ll make more content focused on helping others!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo