The Geek Lyfe is Thankful!
Hey friends! This is DeAngelo Murillo aka Darth Mexican and I wanted to take a moment to stop what I was doing to thank you, the reader, for all of your support this year. We here at the Geek Lyfe always work hard to provide entertaining content that helps inspire or promote others who are good people. We have had a lot of great things happen this year from our Swim Suit and Horror cosplay events to interviewing Mega64. We also have had the chance to work with people we have always admired in the community from Sara Moni, Amberskies Cosplay, Dust Bunny Cosplay to working with people we never even knew existed yet now that they are in our life we wonder how we ever lived with out them like Sincerely Sam, Pretend Princess, Game2Hype, Your Friend Dustin/Z0mbyte, Alex “Saint” and more!
It is always odd to remember how I first entered the convention community in 2012 at Phoenix Comicon and literally knew no one. Then fast forward a few years and suddenly I recognize a number of vendors, cosplayers, staff, and consider them as close as family. I honest to god love the geek community both locally and internationally because it has done so much for myself and everyone who I cherish. Our love for such incredible works of fictional brought us together and some of us even found ways to make a living off of that passion.
It is all just so fantastic that I hardly have the words. I will always strive to improve our work so that it may further assist others and appreciate everyone who has given us a chance thus far!
I want to give a shout out to some fine folks and urge you to check them out if you have the time!
Deegan Marie Photography
Alex “Saint”
Lvcky Diamond Cosplay
Heartless Aquarius
Demorafairy Photography
Vango Fett
Dela Doll Cosplay
Cobalt Cosplay
Pretend Princess
Sincerely Sam
Smolder Cosplay
Sumer Breeze
Amberskies Cosplay
Sara Moni
Loki Twin
Chrisssi Bee
The Final Boys
Your Friend Dustin
Ricochet Cosplay
Peach Girl Photography
Bytes N Brews
Lemonbell Cosplay
Courtex Studios
Astrea Arts
MaeDae Cosplay
Frank and Nat’s Armory
Know One’s Design
Autumn Dayss
Viridis Cosplay
Schyler Anderson Photography
Courtney Leigh Creations
Mort Productions
Tony Julius Photography
Pretty Boi Hayes
Con Freaks and Geeks
Pixelated Diary
Autumn Ivy
Anabel Amis
Sew Ashtastic
Elfy Aubrie
Krash Cosplay
Lunar Lyn
Anya Graves
Burly Barber
Imperial Outpost Games
Drawn to Comics
Bonus Round
The Grid
The God Damn DM
Dust Bunny Cosplay
Emerald Templars
There are so many more to name off and I’ll be adding to this list as the day goes on but thank you again so much for being a part of our world and letting us be a part of yours! We hope to provide better and bigger content in the coming year and hope to include as many friends in projects as possible so that we will have a blast and grow!
I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo