Cosplayer of the Week: Jean-Marc Puch

Cosplayer of the Week: Jean-Marc Puch
Hey friends! Every week we try our best to showcase the talents of some truly wonderful men and women. Without consideration for social media reach, gender, or weight. We just want to show off how dope folks are so they can be appreciated by their peers!
This week will be different I am afraid, while this cosplayer is incredible in every single way, he has passed away. A number of his friends reached out for us to feature him and we absolutely agreed to do so!
His name is Jean-Marc Puch and he was a young man who had a love for cosplay and the community. Any man or woman that we have asked about him and his character have only said good things. Every picture we received and searched for showed a bright, handsome smile filled with life. He was a gamer, enjoyed anime, conventions, and so much more.
He left us too soon. His family set up a Go Fund Me to assist with funeral costs and took some time to leave a message to all those affected:
On November 18th at around 2:20 am, my son, my baby, my heart, Jean-Marc, made the decision to end his life. I’m not 100% sure why. He left me no clues and no note other than to wake him up for work at 8am because he’d been called in early. This is somewhat of a mystery to me, but that detail doesn’t matter. What does matter is that he felt hurt, alone, and desperate for it to end.
As many of you know, my son and I were super close. He truly was never alone, yet somehow convinced himself that this was the best way to alleviate his pain. Today, I truly understand pain.
I need to believe that he is at peace now. I desperately need to believe. My son was one of the good guys. He as always there with a patient ear or friendly advice. He was always willing to drop everything to help a friend in distress. Even when he was making minimum wage at a job he hated, he spent a good amount feeding the less fortunate. He was loved and still is.
If you had the honor of getting to know him, even just a little bit, you know what I mean. The world is a lesser place today. Anyhow, I’m not insured for this kind of thing and several people asked if they could help. This seems cheap to me but I just don’t know what else to do. Anything raised over and above (if anything at all) will be used to provide support to anyone that needs it to prevent another child passing and another parent grieving.
Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Jean-Marc Puch’s family and friends. The world truly is a bit less bright without him in it. However I wholeheartedly believe he is in a better place and now watches over and protects those he cherished.
Here are just a few comments left by his friends and family on the Go Fund Me page or submitted to us:
He was my con friend. Every single convention that was coming up, big or small, we would always make plans to go together. Whenever we got to the con, it didn’t matter who you were, he would always strike up a conversation with anyone who shared his interests, or if they looked bored and needed a friend. He was the every-friend, always making time for everyone, because everyone was important. And after each conversation. The other person would always walk away smiling from their interaction with him. He would rave about that person for days after, and then before you knew it, he was best friends with everyone around the country! He was so, incredibly, absolutely loved, and I was so lucky to have been able to grow up with him, and call him a true friend. I miss him more than words can ever describe, and the tears that I randomly cry during the day aren’t because I’m upset, but because I feel so cosmically blessed to have these memories with such a beautiful soul.
We love you, cherish you, and we desperately miss you, Jean Marc. -Jessica Carlson
Jean-Marc, it was a pleasure to have been your teacher. I will never forget your smile and your intellect. I remember when I called you by your name with a proper French annunctiation and how you were delighted that I had pronounced your name properly. As the saying goes, there is no sound sweeter than your own name. From that moment on, we would remain friends even past your high school years. Thank you Jean-Marc for introducing me to your kind and loving father, for your connection helped me to find a friend that I needed in my life. You will forever be in my mind and prayers. -Jonathan Bengel
I miss you so much my dude, thank you for all the love you shared. -Ella Mae
Rest in peace Jean Marc, you deserve it. -Nathan Solik
It’s not much, but I’m grateful that I got to meet Jean Marc and make a new friend in him through Jessica and cosplaying. He really did touch so many lives. -Catherine A.
Had a lot of great times with Jean. Really enjoyed the banter back and forth, and he was a great man. -Erik Campbell
If you or anyone you know have thoughts of suicide, never ever hesitate to contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255. There is no shame at all in admitting you need help. You do matter and the world is a better place with you in it, don’t ever forget that no matter how hard things get.
If you have fond memories with Jean-Marc Puch that you’d like to share, please feel free to comment and we’ll add them to the article.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |
Getting to know you was an honor, I wish we all could have more time with you.