The Crunchyroll Anime Awards Are On the Horizon!

Ladies and gentlemen, the Crunchyroll Anime Awards have come again! If you missed this event last year, the fine folks at Crunchyroll gather some of the best series of the year and then vote on them. During the process they give their thoughts on the shows, why they qualify to be on the short list and then explain why they chose the winners.
Welcome to the Anime Awards! What an incredible year 2017 has been for the anime industry and its fans. Production quality has never been better, depth of content never deeper, and more diverse representation continues to bring anime to new audiences around the world.
This year has seen the industry grow at an impressive rate with unprecedented access to anime across nearly all devices and locations. And now with our fans from around the world, Crunchyroll is celebrating the best anime of 2017!
You’ll get to voice your choices on January 22, 2018, when voting opens across 17 categories. And finally, on February 24, 2018, live from Los Angeles, the esteemed winners will be announced to the world in an all-star event for anime’s biggest fans.
The Anime Awards is a celebration of anime, and it’s for you, the passionate community who makes this all possible. We can’t wait to embark on this journey with you.
I absolutely recommend keeping a very close eye on the Anime Awards because it was such a blast last year and if that was their first year then they will no doubt knock it out of the park this year! There are a number of categories from Best Boy to Best Ending to consider and debate upon.
I think it is wonderful that we now have an actual awards ceremony for one of the best hobbies known to the geek world! Anime and Manga truly are forms of art that can evoke such powerful and real emotions from the reader or viewer. I and many others grew up with Gundam Wing and Dragon Ball Z, while the fight scenes were phenomenal it was the scenes of of forgiving your enemies or pondering if having ultimate power was really best for humanity as a whole.
While I can not speak for others, it shaped my view of the world tremendously and had to endure judgement by my peers for watching animations despite being an adult. Thankfully Anime and Manga are now widely accepted and embraced. I really appreciate what Crunchyroll is doing and can not wait!
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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |