Manga Review: The Young Master’s Revenge

Hey everyone, Heartless Aquarius here! It’s time for a new manga review. I had the pleasure of reading The Young Master’s Revenge, the newest series by Meca Tanaka. I love romantic comedies and shojo manga in general so I was excited to read it.
“When Leo was a young boy, he had his pride torn to shreds by Tenma, a girl from a wealthy background who was always getting him into trouble. Now, years after his father’s successful clothing business has made him the heir to a fortune, he searches out Tenma to enact a dastardly plan: he’ll get his revenge by making her fall in love with him!”
This manga is a lighthearted romantic comedy and it is so much fun to read. When I started reading, it reminded a lot of the series Masamune-kun’s Revenge. However, the main girl in The Young Master’s Revenge is more likeable and relatable. After her family’s bankruptcy, Tenma has had to go through drastic changes in her life and she’s adapting like a champ! She slowly has to learn the value of money and how to take care of herself, which has led to a fair share of hilarious situations. While the story focuses on Leo’s scheme to make Tenma fall for him, I find it interesting how they show Tenma’s development as a person. Leo even starts realizing that Tenma did not live the life of luxury he imagined she had. Along with seeing Tenma’s changes, it is also adorable seeing Leo’s feelings slowly transition from hate to something more positive. While Leo may not admit this, his acts of kindness towards Tenma are not just to enact his plan for revenge.
Reading this story feels like watching two young kids slowly fall in love while not being sure what their feelings are. I can’t wait to continue with this story. If you like romantic comedies or if you enjoyed Masamune-kun’s Revenge, I highly recommend you give The Young Master’s Revenge a read.
Heartless Aquarius is a cosplayer local to Arizona and has a huge passion for anime and manga! This makes her the perfect person to be dedicated to the sole task of consuming all of the Japanese content we receive and give her thoughts on it! When she isn’t turning pages and watching endless hours of Japanese animation, she is creating elaborate costumes that she features at various conventions and wins awards! Check out more of her information on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!