Cosplayer of the Week: Hallelujah

You ever meet someone and say to yourself, “You know? This is a dope human being.” This was the exact response I had when I first met Halle aka Hallelujah earlier this year. We met at the Renaissance Faire here in Arizona, and over the course of just a few hours she quickly become one of my favorite people. I was glad to find that she had a passion for costuming like so many of our homies! She has a passion for comics, video games, anime and more!
What I enjoy most about Hallelujah’s cosplay brand is that she always finds a way to cosplay her favorite characters, whether she simply wears the costume that most closely matches the character or modifies it to fit her. Not to mention she has no problem cosplaying indie characters like the Beret Girl from Goofy Movie!
We got the chance to interview her at Phoenix Comic Fest this year and wanted to share it with you!
She is legitimately good people and I am so glad to know her. Be sure to check out more of her content on her Instagram! Be sure to give her a shout out if you see her on the con floor! Also, thank you to Tidesiren for introducing us to her!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |