Bethesda Reportedly Requesting an Essay from Banned Players to Get Accounts Reestablished

A number of players have been banned recently due to their use of mods and other third party software. Bethesda is not heartless however as they have reportedly offered a way to dispute the ban in the form of a written essay.
A YouTuber by the name of JuiceHead made a video discussing the bans and how many players feel as though their ban came without a good reason. However, on the official subreddit for Fallout, many theories for the bans cite the use of Cheat Engine and Reshade, mods that give players the abilities to duplicate items and modify visual aspects of the game.
What I enjoyed most about this situation was not the removal of cheating gamers, but the response Bethesda gave to those who were banned.
This account has violated the code of conduct and terms of service by cheating. The account was detected to be running a third-party application, which provides an unfair in-game advantage, while logged into Fallout 76.
If you would like to appeal this account closure, we would be willing to accept an essay on ‘Why the use of third party cheat software is detrimental to an online game community’ for our management team to review.
This isn’t the first time a major video game company offered their punished players a chance to appeal their decision. Zombie survival game H1Z1 offered their players the chance to get their accounts back if they made a video apologizing for cheating.
Honestly, it is a great method of punishment as it requires the user to put in a significant amount of effort to make up for breaking various rules and even hindering other players. The question in my mind is, how many players have been wronged by Bethesda and what will the company do to compensate these players? Even with an appeal process, we have also seen game companies such as Fortnite ban the wrong players and then turn around and provide them with in game currency as an apology.
Only time will tell what will happen to Fallout 76 and its community!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |
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