Apex Legends Season 3 Knocks It Out of the Park

After falling so hard for Apex Legends for months, I did not think the game could get better, and then the mad lads released Season 3.

This new season entitled ‘Meltdown’ provides a new legend by the name of Crypto.

Surveillance Expert

Crypto specializes in secrets; he knows how to uncover them, and how to keep them. A brilliant hacker and encryption expert, he uses aerial drones to spy on his opponents in the Apex Arena without being seen. It’s been noted that his drones have a similar design to those created by wanted murderer Tae Joon Park.

The Charge Rifle is a powerful energy sniper that allows you to charge a blast for extra power. If this isnt enough, there are literally over 100 new items available thanks to the Battle Pass!

But my absolute favorite aspect of the new season is the new map that features a more civilized environment with monorails, small cities, and areas completely overtaken in either molten lava or a frigid tundra. Players have gone and found all sorts of fun ways to enjoy the game!

Accidentally killed my teammate on the train from r/apexlegends

Be sure to check out more information about Apex Legends on their website!

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo

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