Warhammer is a fantastic franchise filled with gore, grim storytelling, and is filled to the brim with rich lore. Over the years, Games Workshop, who owns and operates Warhammer, has expanded beyond the Table Top Wargaming scene to video games, card games, RPGs, and more. One of their latest creations is Warhammer Underworlds and we are here to talk about it!
Warhammer Underworlds is a hybrid arena combat game, where players battle it out in the Mortal Realms with warbands of models, using decks they’ve built to swing the balance in their favour. Each battle sees fighters grow in power and skill, combining elements from Warhammer, RPGs and card games into one awesome experience – the ultimate competitive miniatures game.
Should a scholar of High Azyr or war leader of the Stormcast Eternals make mention of Beastgrave, it is typically the mountain alone to which they refer. Yet it is telling that the degenerate tribes who scrape a living from this desolate expanse have no separate word for the mountain, the region surrounding it, or the malevolent god-spirit that they believe dwells at its heart. To the Fushola, the Ghanua and the Stonespeaker peoples, Beastgrave is an all-encompassing presence that watches over them, and whose brooding, silent hunger they greatly fear.
Instead of having an entire army at your command, you have but a handful. The battlefield is not vast but contained to fairly moderate areas where you and another Warband must face off whether it be to complete an objective or just to dive into combat with one another with dice and cards.
When you purchase a Warband, you’ll get a starter deck that you can use to jump into a game and as you obtain more cards, you can customize the deck to your liking. There is also an objective deck with 12 unique quests. When you match the conditions, you then reveal it to the other players and obtain a glory point. The player with the most glory points is the winner!
For the Warbands, they have a number of iconic units from Warhammer armies such as Dwarves, Chaos, Empire, High Elves, Orkz, Skaven, Beastmen, and more! When you purchase the bigger sets that contain two warbands such as Beastgrave, you also get a set of tiles to use for the map. Each Warband is unique and offers various playstyles and cards depending on what you enjoy most.
I actually got to run a triple threat match and it was a blast. the game took about an hour and a half which was a mix of my friends already knowing how to play but having to slow down to teach me the mechanics. I had Magore’s Fiends which were chaos warriors and followers of Khorne. They looked amazing, the minis felt strong and were completely filled with details like gore, skulls, and spikes. getting unpainted minis allowed for the true tabletop experience of self painting to add that extra flair to your units. I appreciated them immensely and by the end of the game, I was in love with the system.
It was easy to learn, the diversity of the warbands makes me want to try out others, the fact that you have different objectives makes each game unique, and the overall cost is fairly affordable compared to normal Warhammer armies. My Warband costed $25 and contained everything I needed except for dice and the board which comes separately.
I’d highly recommend Warhammer Underworlds to anyone interested in getting into Warhammer without having to spend that infamous $200+ on a full blown army/rule book. You can find more information on the game at their website!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo