When you aren’t playing fun Canadian gambling games, you are probably throwing down on Apex Legends! While there are many great legends to choose from, my personal favorite is Rampart! She is a talented mechanic capable of setting up defenses and turrets in mere seconds. However, many people look down on her abilities claiming she just is not useful enough to justify playing. To assist the community, I’ve decided to present 3 tips on how to succeed with Rampart!
Deployable Shields
Rampart’s tactical ability allows for players to summon up to three deployable shields at a time and up to 5 up at any given time. Summoning any more will remove the oldest shield. These shields not only block incoming damage but provide a 20% buff to outgoing damage to most weapons. This tactical alone provides immense utility for any team looking to gain the upper hand or even the playing field if an enemy team has the drop on you.
The shields can take quite a bit fo damage before the top layer, which causes the amplification of damage, gets destroyed but even still the bottom half provides great cover to pop off a few healing items before returning to the fight. Enemies have the choice to either allow you to heal, waste ammo taking down the shield, or toss grenades.
Ideally, you’ll want to deploy your shields prior to a fight due to the 3-second animation of the deployment. I recommend keeping all fights indoors if possible that way you can block doorways and/or open them to rain down destruction without taking any damage.
Shelia is Rampart’s ultimate ability which charges quite fast meaning that you’ll have the opportunity to use it multiple times during a long match. While it does have a small charge-up time, when it is ready to fire, it unloads 350 rounds at a rapid pace. The minigun also has a 2x scope to assist with some ranged accuracy.
Shelia has two modes: Stationary or mobile. The difference is that while mobile, you are able to run and walk around and use it but when the chamber is empty you have the choice to either place it down or put it away so that it can recharge.
What you’ll want to do is take cover ideally behind your barricade or something else and then rev up your minigun in peace. Then when you are ready to fight you aim and trace enemies as much as you can until you need to heal or run out of bullets.
If the latter happens, you can immediately place down the turret and it will be automatically reloaded and ready to go. While you won’t be able to move, you can still get right back into the fight and take down enemies unlucky enough to think you are vulnerable.
While placed, Shelia can be reloaded an additional two times and up to three Shelias can be placed down at a given time.
Light Machine Guns Buff
Many folks don’t even realize that Rampart gets a passive bonus when using light machine guns by having an extended ammo capacity and she reloads her weapon faster than other legends. This alone will give players against enemies who attempt to take down your cover and are forced to reload while you unload your weapons and Shelia forcing enemies to run or stay and potentially take damage.
In conclusion, Rampart brings a lot to the table in terms of defense and offense. Hopefully, these tips will help you to gain the edge over players in your next match!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo
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