Try These Unique Ideas To Bring More Fun Into Your Day

Sometimes the acts of doing the same thing day in and day out become tiring. From waking up early to going to work and crushing it, coming home, and then starting all over again – it all gets to be a grind. Try to be positive and find ways to change your routine or at least bring a little more fun into your day. Here are some realistic ways you can find a new hobby, have a few moments of respite, or discover something fun. Read on to learn more.


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Play a Challenging Game

Games, in any form, are great escapes from whatever you are doing or thinking about. When they are challenging, it is a bonus, as the games require you to use strategic thinking and analytical skills. That is the case with backgammon, and when you make it portable, it is even better because you can play it anywhere. Backgammon is a two-player game, but when you play it online, you do not need another person, so it becomes a game of skill and quiet respite from the everyday.


Try a New Coffee Shop

If you frequent the same coffee shop every morning on your way to or from work, it is time for a change. Look online to locate different establishments where you can grab some much-needed java in your area. You may meet someone new, create a connection with the barista and have a good chat, or experience a venue change that brightens your day. There will be new artwork on the walls, different music playing, and a distinct clientele from your usual coffee shop. A bonus is that you just might find your new favorite coffee blend or drink while tasting your way through the new-to-you menu.


Find a Hobby

Hobbies are invigorating. They run the gamut from learning how to knit to planting a garden and everything in between. The purpose of a hobby is to give you a break or release from life and do something enjoyable. Of course, sometimes the hobby requires work, such as when you need to weed the garden, but if you reframe the effort as a relaxing time in the fresh air, it will be more enjoyable. Hobbies can include things that take you out of your comfort zone, such as stepping into the world of cosplay. With this new hobby, you get to create a costume based on your favorite character from a variety of genres and try on their persona. It is a fun way to focus on something new and step away from your everyday life now and again.


Meet Someone New

You may be perfectly happy with your circle of friends and family; however, it can be invigorating to infuse a new person or group into your social repertoire. Your current friends and family probably know your story, and you all fall into the same familiar routines with one another. While that is comforting, it can also be refreshing to find someone new to expand your mindset, talk about new subject matter, and try different things together. It is always nice to have a larger circle of good people to draw from when you are looking for a friend or need help as the years go by.


Watch this video for helpful tips on how to meet new people in a variety of scenarios.

Volunteer Your Time

You are busy, of course, but there is something wonderful that happens when you help others who are in need. They benefit from your time and efforts, but so do you! You get a feeling of satisfaction that stems from your altruistic efforts. Volunteer events are opportunities to not only make a positive change in someone else’s life, you may learn a new skill, hone an old one, or make a connection with a new person. When you are lucky enough to have a good life, volunteering can help you reframe your situation when stressful times occur and appreciate what you have while still working toward your future goals. It is a win for everyone when positive help is given and received.


Go On a Day Trip

If you do not have the time or resources for a long vacation, a day trip will do just fine. Google phrases like “Day trips from [insert your city name here]” or “Places to visit about 1 hour from [insert your city name here]” or check out this site and see what pops up in the results. You will probably find things you never knew existed so close to your city or attractions you have always been too busy to see. Now is the time to explore. Do not overlook small towns as they often have unique shops with local artisans to explore. Always walk around any town’s downtown area, and you will likely come upon art galleries, unique dessert cafes, and lunch spots that highlight local cuisine and ingredients.


Be a Tourist in Your Town

If you would like to stay local, you should try being a tourist in your city of residence. Start by looking online for the local tourism bureau or go in person to the Visitor’s Center. You will find a variety of local maps that include must-see attractions, walking tours, pub crawls, literary walks, coffee stops, and the list goes on. Pick something you have never tried in your city and get out there. Pack a day bag just as you would if you were vacationing out of town. Include comfortable shoes, a hat, sunscreen, a fully charged phone, related chargers, and a water bottle. Be cautious about opening your eyes to things you have probably passed by every day and find new things to appreciate about your hometown.

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Take one or all of these ideas and start working them into your daily life. Plan a small trip, visit a new venue in your city, and play strategy games in your downtime while enjoying a cup of joe from a new coffee shop, and have fun while doing it all.

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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