Rumor: Fall Out 4 To Be Revealed At E3

Rumor: Fall Out 4 To Be Revealed At E3
Yesterday, PC Games reported a rumor that Bethesda will reveal Fallout 4 during their press conference in June. Their source in anonymous but if they are correct, the incredible game company will display their game play to a select amount of people behind closed doors.
From PC Games they report roughly 25 minutes of demo in length. Normally when rumors like these come around, we try not to get our hopes up because it usually involves us getting our hearts broken. However, what adds a bit of validity to this rumor is the fact that Bethesda announced it’s debut E3 conference.
Once again, this may be another ‘Fallout 4 takes place in Boston’ rumor(I seriously believed that one as well ;_; ) so take all of this information with a grain of salt. Still, Bethesda coming out with a E3 Conference is a great sign, if it’s not Fallout 4 then perhaps another incredible game is in store for us?(But I really want Fallout 4.)
If you had a hand in making Fallout 4, what would add to the game? I would personally want to be able to visit Mexico to see how things are down south!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |