Interview: Sew Ashtastic

Interview: Sew Ashtastic
Rarely in life do you come across someone so bubbly, kind, and optimistic that they rival even Anime characters. Ashley Maul, owner of Sew Ashtastic, is that person. I was referred to her by another Geek Lyfe writer for her immense knowledge and passion for comic books. After chatting with her a few times over Facebook I knew she was a fantastic person.
However, I was not prepared for what I experienced when I met her in person.
She greeted me with a kind smile and a wave as she called my name from down the aisle, despite having an already crowded booth at 10:30 a.m. on a Friday at Phoenix Comicon Fanfest. She wrapped up her conversation with her friends and customers to talk with me, I was taken back by just how wonderful of a person Ashley was as we casually conversed about a number of geeky topics and how she was excited to join Geek Lyfe.
It was then I noticed her wares. Everything from the dress she wore to full blown Marvel themed purses were crafted by her very own tiny hands. The quality was great, the look was enticing, and her saleswomanship almost caused me to spend my entire con budget in a matter of minutes! Thankfully my years of reading Green Lantern taught me a few things about willpower and I was able to resist. Yet others faltered, as they spent plenty of their hard earned cash on her products and did so with a smile as she provided exactly what had been missing from their life: A practical artwork.
Needless to say, I had to get an interview with this wonderful woman on her and her art! Without further ado, here is my interview with Ashley Maul of Sew Ashtastic!
A huge thank you to Sew Ashtastic for taking the time to talk with us about all of her awesome! We’ll be saving up money to clear out her Etsy shop so be sure to get in there and buy everything from her before we do! You can find her at Sew Ashtastic on Facebook or on her Etsy page!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |