Interview With Rin The Yordle

Interview With Rin The Yordle
At Taiyou Con I met up with friends who were all raving about how incredible this artist was how lived in the valley. I was surprised that so many had recommended her to me and so I took them up on their suggestion and did as much research on Rin the Yordle in a single night. Sure enough I was blown away by the content she created from her artwork to her streams on Twitch. I could tell she was filled to the brim with incredible talent, hard work, and dedication to both her craft and her fans alike.
Asked for suggestions on stream today, someone said Nami, so I had to draw it as thanks for my friend @KateyAnthony <3
— Rin (@RinTheYordle) January 10, 2017
If you are not familiar with her contnet, she excels at doing artwork related to gaming. Her style is unique by capturing her favorite characters from a variety of video games and making them adorable. She also streams heavily with a large following of 12,000+ followers and is a Twitch partner! From the small amount I saw, I could tell she was filled to the brim with incredible talent, hard work, and dedication to both her craft and her fans alike.
When I actually got to meet her, I swear I had seen her from somewhere before. After our itnerview we chatted a bit and turns out, she worked at the Gamestop that I grew up right next to! It is such a small world!
Here is my Interview with Rin The Yordle:
A huuuuuuuuuge thank you to Rin The Yordle for taking the time to chat with us! I can not believe someone so amazing can be so down to earth at the same time! I have been converted to a huge fan and will probably spend a good portion of my income on her wares!
No regrets!
Be sure to check out Rin The Yordle on Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, YouTube, and her Website!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |