An Interview with the Fantastic Indie D&D Podcast: The Four Orbs

Ladies and gentlemen I have a fantastic group of content creators to showcase for you today! They are a Dungeons & Dragons Actual Play Podcast by the name of The Four Orbs!
A look behind the screen along with our recording space!
— Four Orbs (@FourOrbs) September 3, 2019
Dave the DM and his players all gather around and embark on an epic quest in a world crafted by their Dungeon Master that has been in the works for overs 10 years. The crew are long time friends and it shows as they goof around together and share stories about their past experiences. I stumbled upon them a few months ago and absolutely fell in love with their show!
So much so that I reached out to them for an interview!
Joining Dave are five players (from left to right): Ryan, Matt, Stephen, Ryan (yes, two Ryans), and Diedra.Each one of the players has had experience with D&D, whether it is listening to podcasts or actually playing the game. But this will be their first time (including the DM’s) playing Dungeons and Dragons: 5th Edition. Feel free to laugh at them and make them the butt-end of your jokes in your social circles.
Their Show
I enjoy the Four Orbs because it is dripping with quality. The story is superb, the cast gives it their all, the characters develop over time, and everyone is having fun. You can’t help but feel like you are surrounded by dear friends, having a great time geeking out when you listen to their podcast. There are difficult combat encounters, heart breaking story moments, and my favorite: dreaded puzzles that cause the players to rip out their hair in frustration!
While there are an overwhelming amount of D&D actual play podcasts out there, The Four Orbs is absolutely one you should check out! I have become a legitimate fan of their work and am eager to listen to every single new episode.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |