Anime Review: Sailor Moon SuperS – Season 4 Part 1

Hey everyone! Heartless Aquarius here and I have another review for you guys. Viz Media sent us their recently released DVD/Blu-ray set of Sailor Moon SuperS.

“A majestic pegasus with a golden horn has appeared in Chibi-Usa’s dreams with a request—to help him and keep his presence a secret. This plea turns out to be more than a childish dream, for

the fearsome Dead Moon Circus led by the villainous Zirconia arrive in town to draw out Pegasus by targeting people with beautiful dreams! Sailor Moon and the Guardians must unite to fight a new enemy and her deadly henchmen, the Amazon Trio. But without the power to transform into Super Sailor Moon, the Guardians find themselves seriously outmatched! Will Sailor Chibi Moon’s strong desire to protect everyone be the key to accessing Pegasus’s power?”

This release includes episodes 128-146 of the Sailor Moon series in Japanese and the English dub along with many bonus features. It can come as a DVD-Blu-ray combo pack or a standard DVD-only set, whatever floats your boat. Along with the episodes, this set has interviews with the voice actors, a digital art gallery, the Sailor Moon SuperS TV special, and the opening and ending theme songs on their own. It was fun watching the extras, especially the interviews. It’s interesting hearing their perspectives on the series. Also, since the episodes were remastered and at 1080p, it was really nice to watch. With how high definition modern TVs are, I appreciate my anime not looking grainy.

I personally love owning physical copies of my favorite shows and it’s awesome that Sailor Moon is getting their older episodes released. The story arc in this season is super cool and I love the Super Sailor forms that are used in the season. If you like owning anime on DVD, then I recommend this set.

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Heartless Aquarius is a cosplayer local to Arizona and has a huge passion for anime and manga! This makes her the perfect person to be dedicated to the sole task of consuming all of the Japanese content we receive and give her thoughts on it! When she isn’t turning pages and watching endless hours of Japanese animation, she is creating elaborate costumes that she features at various conventions and wins awards! Check out more of her information on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Heartless Aquarius is a cosplayer local to Arizona and has a huge passion for anime and manga! This makes her the perfect person to be dedicated to the sole task of consuming all of the Japanese content we receive and give her thoughts on it! When she isn’t turning pages and watching endless hours of Japanese animation, she is creating elaborate costumes that she features at various conventions and wins awards! Check out more of her information on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

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