Assassian’s Creed: Syndicate Announcement

Assassian’s Creed: Syndicate Announcement
“In Assassin’s Creed Syndicate you’ll play as Jacob Frye, an assassin born and bred poised to take over the criminal underworld of London during the Industrial Revolution. Amidst blossoming conflicts between newly crowned kings of industry and the working class they exploit for all they’re worth, Jacob will work in the shadows as he climbs to the top of the criminal underground as the head of one of the city’s most notorious street gangs.” via
Yes! The latest Assassin’s creed game has been unveiled! Details on the game were shown at the US premiere event shown in the video below! Looks like this will be a Victorian setting and we can expect a rush of new weapons and enemies to face. In this game you’ll play as one of two twins in London. You find yourself in a society dominated by the upper class. You choose to use your abilities of assassination for the good of the common folk by rallying street gangs into helping you fight off Templars. You’ll use pistols, brass knuckles, a new combat engine for multiperson battles and various other new weapons to slay your foes and grappling hooks to make a speedy escape. This has the largest map to date in the AC series and now comes with street traffic. You can drive, ride and hide using vehicles.
From the video posted below we can tell the dev team plans to make this the AC game that brings them back in gamer’s good graces. They discuss the failure of AC Unity and what they learned from that experience and vow to make AC: Syndicate an amazing game. From the looks of it, they are on the right track. The game is set it release in mid October for consoles and PC will come shortly after.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |