AZ Taco Festival 2017 Review!

AZ Taco Festival 2017!

We here at the Geek Lyfe absolutely love food. Every single convention or event we attend we cool down, network, talk business and more over a good meal. It should be no surprise that we would dive into the wonderful world of food events. We recently covered the Mac and Cheese festival which was held at the Scottsdale Waterfront. This time we tackled the AZ Taco Festival!

This is the 8th year the event has been around and it has grown into a mighty beast. Taco vendors from all over the valley, along with bars, artists, and other businesses came through. The event was held at the Salt River Fields in Scottsdale. The area was massive and gave plenty of space of vendors and the public to walk around to enjoy the food and sights. It seems in the eight years they have been around, they learned quite a few things since they had something for everyone. Musicians played, Luchadors duked it out, kids played on bouncy castles, folks partyed in tents with drinks and a DJ, and of course people devoured tacos!

Being a proud Mexicano, I have had my fair share of tacos but I was blown away by some of the creations at this event. Most notably was the chorizo taco by Tapacubo, this is more than likely biased because of my die hard love for chorizo but it was so good I had to come back multiple times for more. There were so many vendors selling variety of different creations and all of them were fantastic!

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While the event was great I have to admit that there are areas that could be improved. For one, they went with a cashless system by introducing a wristband item that you would load money onto it prior to the event and it would allow for quick payment. In a perfect world, it would have been a blessing but quite a few folks reported that having it too close to their cell phones wiped the wristband. You would have to return to a customer service tent and get it reactivated. Granted, the process for reactivating took a few seconds but these tents were typically a god distance away and to wait in such long lines for food only to be denied was heart breaking. If they can get this system working without so many issues, I think it would be wonderful.

With all big events that are popular, long lines are inevitable. This was an issue for the AZ Taco Festival, which is understandable because of the quality of food. Granted there were multiple vendors and the length of the lines varied depending on where you walked around, some areas were untouched by folks while others drowned in taco lovers. Because so many were forced to wait in lines in the sun, I was surprised that there wasn’t more water vendors to allow for easy access to hydration. I did spot a few in the event but felt as if there should have been more to combat the Arizona mid day heat.

Overall the event was so much fun once you got past the lines and hassle of the cashless method! When you did get tacos they were fantastic, when you got to watch luchadors wrestle it was entertaining, checking out the live bands were so good and so much more! I do recommend AZ Taco Festival to any one who loves tacos and doesn’t mind being outdoors!


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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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