Best Apps Every Student Should Use

The modern world has become high-tech and digitalized. Even the educational process has completely changed in recent decades. Now students rely not only on books and notes but also on digital sources of knowledge. Mobile and desktop applications have become new educational trends for millions of people worldwide. But what apps should any freshman download? Here is a list that you should check first.


Imagine that you want to learn a new language but don’t know where to start. You may begin to learn the alphabet, rules, and grammatical nuances randomly. But what if your enthusiasm ends after a couple of days? Many students know that motivation is impossible without progress. That is why you should download Duolingo. This application is based on an express method that allows you to learn dozens of new words every day. Use five-minute exercises to memorize new words and sentences.

In addition, graphic associations and simple tasks will help you quickly select the language that interests you the most. You can even unlock achievements to get more motivation to keep going. However, do not forget that even a simplified format for learning a language requires time. What if you are forced to write papers and don’t have time to learn languages? Maybe you should find a writing service and buy your papers. You can even pay for homework assignments, especially if you don’t want to interrupt your language course.


Surely you expected to see Wikipedia on this list. All students know that professors do not recommend using this famous website to create research papers. At the same time, Wikipedia allows you to find any definition or fact concerning real scientific research quickly. In addition, this is a free application that can be easily downloaded to any smartphone with just a few clicks. The process of using the application is quite simple.

  1. Open the main menu.
  2. Select a section or enter a search query.
  3. Open an article and select a language.

As you can see, this free application will help you save time and find important data for your assignments. But remember that you should only use Wikipedia as an additional source of knowledge. Always check the articles you read. Do not forget that you only need reliable information.


Imagine that you need to take dozens of notes every day. Surely you are tired of dozens of pages in your draft. In addition, some people may lose notebooks, which is fraught with problems. Luckily, Evernote is an app that will help you end chaotic note-taking. Now all your ideas will be stored in a single digital space. Moreover, you will be able to get quick access to each file. The basic version of the application is free for all users, which is extremely important for students. In addition, you can format the text to find important sentences or definitions quickly.

Oxford English Dictionary

This dictionary is extremely useful for international students and those looking for the meaning of any old words. Open the Oxford English Dictionary and choose the word you are interested in. Here you will find a detailed definition, transcription, and extra data to help you find synonyms. As you can see, now it will be easier for you to search for relevant information.

Plus, this app is free, so you will not need to pay money for knowledge. But don’t forget to add all the important words to your notes, so you don’t forget their meaning. Another plus is the intuitive interface and speed of work. Just a couple of clicks, and you will find important words.

Google Drive

Usually, people use SD cards or portable hard drives to store information. But imagine that your capstone project is stored on a small USB flash drive. Are you prepared to lose your external storage? Surely you would not want to start all over again! Fortunately, thanks to Google Drive, you don’t have to worry about any force majeure. Now you have 16GB to store texts, pictures, tables, and executable files.

Moreover, you can open access to edit and comment on files. Now your professor can give you advice remotely. In addition, no one will steal your SD card or another device. This kind of digitalization will suit most people. And don’t forget that you can always expand the base storage to upload more files and archives.


Typically, students download hundreds of apps to their smartphones. At the same time, only some of them are important for stimulating the educational process. Take a look at the above applications, and you will surely make your top list. At least some of these software products are ideal for storing data, taking notes, and searching for information. Just a couple of minutes, and you will download all the applications. In addition, you do not have to pay money because the basic versions are free for all users.

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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