Blizzard Employees Reportedly Have Been Shown Diablo 4

Last year Blizzard had mentioned that multiple Diablo projects were in the works. With the most recent news that developers were being re-directed to working on Diablo 4 rather than a Star Craft First Person Shooter, Blizzard have been looking for two positions with Diablo titles. One of them were a lead character artist and a lead concept artist. This is fantastic because it could mean that Diablo 4 is underway and have made far more progress than any of us previously thought!
“new, unannounced Diablo project” are the exact words being used in the advertisements for the positions. This leads us to believe that whoever takes this position will need to know the franchise’s immense lore. Because these important roles are only just being advertisements could mean that the game is still in its early stages of development.
Per PCGamesN,
French publication Le Monde (via user Damien at forum IcyVeins, as the full article is subscriber-only), employees at Blizzard in Paris have been shown Diablo 4 in a presentation. The article says (translated via Google) “the Blizzard Entertainment teams have already had the right to a presentation of the highly anticipated Diablo 4 and know that a new Overwatch is in the pipes. But none will come out before 2020, at best”.
We are stoked to see what Blizzard has to present to fans at this year’s Blizzcon in regards to Diablo. Last year they had a rocky announcement with the Diablo mobile game so at this point, the bar is so low that anything they present will be a warm welcome to fans of the series!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |
Amazing post always enjoy new post always a pleasure reading thank’s for posting this!