Netflix does it again: Daredevil Review

It has been quite sometime since we last saw Daredevil in live action goodness. We haven't see the defender of Hell's Kitchen since February 14, 2003 with good ol Ben Affleck taking on the role. It seemed to be another Batman and Robin situation where at the wee age of 13, both films were super rad because we had little else to compare them to. Then as we got older Avengers, Dark knight, Spider Man, Guardians of the Galaxy and even Man of Steel came out and we saw what great superhero films actually look like. Needless to say, Daredevil crashed and burned in the ranking of best comic book films.

Once the CW jumped on board with the metahuman frenzy, Arrow, GothamFlash arrived and were incredible. It's safe to say that both are at the level of entertainment of Smallville: Fun, light hearted, action packed, good guys always win, and tons of references to other heroes in the DC universe. Marvel arrived with Agents of Shield and Agent Carter, both were good as well(I'm much more of a DC fan, so there may be some bias).

Imagine the geek world's surprise when Netflix announced that they were going to be filming a Daredevil series. Everyone and their mother were shocked and awed. Netflix is known for House of Cards, Orange is the new Black, Hemlock Grove, Marco Polo and so many more spectacular shows. But could they handle doing a super hero show? A lot of their originals deal mainly with real life scenarios, realistic people who have down to earth issues like betraying people to rise in power, survive prison after living a very privileged life, become the adviser for a great and powerful Khan, find evil and defeat it using werewolf powers...oh...well never mind, it seems they are amazing at doing fantastic stories. Yes! I believe that Netflix does have what it takes to make this show great!

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Eagle Ordinary! Warhammer 40k Comic!

Enjoy Warhammer 40k? Every wonder what it'd be like in the shoes of an Imperial Guardsmen(Or Astra Militarum, which ever name you prefer!) then look no further than EAGLE ORDINARY COMICS! We are huge fans of their work and will be featuring their content on our site every week!

Eagle ordinary is a comic based off of a tabletop RPG played by a bunch of nerds on the internet. Sometimes a story is just so cool you just have to share it with your friends. This is one of those stories.

This comic is based off of a game of Only War, a Table Top Game by Fantasy Flight Games within the Warhammer 40k universe by Games Workshop. It's one in a series of books, which also include Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Black Crusade and Deathwatch. Most everyone in our group has played each of these at some point in time and have for some time now, along with others.

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