First Impressions: Jessica Jones
First Impressions: Jessica Jones After the incredible success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the wildly successful Netflix Original Daredevil, Jessica Jones was announced shortly after. Being a much bigger D.C. Comics fan than Marvel, I had no idea who this
The Flash: The Man Who Saved Central City Review
The Flash: The Man Who Saved Central City Review Damn does it ever feel good to be back in Central City with Team Flash. After the stellar first season ended, a giant nerdy void was left in my life on Tuesdays.
Adventures at Rose City Comic Con!
Hi everyone! The Sassy Goblin and I recently embarked on a quick two day road trip to San Francisco from our home base of Washington. Luckily on the way there we were able to make a FANTASTIC stop at Portland, Oregon's
Looking to get into a Comic Book TV series?
Looking to get into a Comic Book TV series? Welcome fellow geeks! Goyotes here, making my first post! Let's get down to business. As I'm sure you're all aware, comic book themed TV shows and movies have blown up pretty big. Marvel
He Did It! He Saved The City…R-Right?
He Did It! He Saved The City
Ant-Man: The Antastic Review
Ant-Man: The Antastic Review Marvel Studios finally brings the last of the original Avengers to screen with a bite sized new offering in Ant-Man. So how did the studio giant’s latest offering fare? Find out in my review. Ant-Man tells the story
Doomsday The Major Villain In Batman V Superman?
Doomsday The Major Villain In Batman V Superman? Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is a film in which I have wanted to see my entire life. Not so much the aspect of the two of them fighting one another but having