Cosplayer of the Month: Lindsay Elyse

Cosplayer of the Month: Lindsay Elyse
While at Phoenix Comicon I had a list of people who I wanted to interview about their cosplay and daily lives. I zoomed around the convention floor, knocking out many on my list, and rescheduling other interviews for after the convention. I know our humble blog would be overlooked by many, and that is totally fine, everyone must pay their dues before being able to land major interviews.
However when it came to Lindsay Elyse, a mega titan in the realm of cosplay who lives in Arizona, was at her booth taking photos and signing prints for fans I had to ask. I approached her with a scarlet face, trembling hands, and uttered words in rapid succession and presented myself and my blog then asked for an interview. To my surprise she was excited and with a sweet smile and the brightest of eyes, she accepted!
Here is my interview with Lindsay Elyse:
She had otherworldly kindness and had a mob of fans not stood around us during the interview, I would have asked way more questions.
There is always next year!
A huge thank you to Lindsay Elyse to being so very kind to me and taking the time to answer questions.
If you’d like to follow her work, check out her facebook page!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |