Cosplayer of the Week: Aerie Eme

This week we have a super kawaii cosplayer by the name of Aerie Eme! She is a super young cosplayer that is a veteran of the scene. Admittedly I had no idea she was a part of the community until we met at our cosplay swimsuit shoot earlier this year! Little did I know just how awesome she was as both a person and a cosplayer! She has been cosplaying for a number of years as her favorite characters when she isn’t traveling the world or creating content for her YouTube channel.
Although she is quiet and shy, she has a ton of personality once you get chatting with her and has fantastic taste in music as she is a huge fan of My Chemical Romance! She was so sweet and wicked talented! I always enjoy checking out her content and I know you will as well! Aerie Eme is definitely going to blow up over the years if she sticks with cosplay!
Be sure to check out more of her awesome content at her Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube! We want to give a huge thank you to her for taking the time to answer a few of our questions!
Swim Suit D.VA/Miss Fortune Photos by – Chocozumo
Sona by Tony Julius
Guilty Crown – Mr. Emerald
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |