Cosplayer of the Week: Black Widow Chile

We have another great cosplayer here for you today! We are trying our hardest to feature the hard work and talent of international cosplayers!
This week we have Black Widow Chile who resides in Chile! She agreed to answer a few of our questions about her and her craft.
The Geek Lyfe: Although I have been a fan of yours for quite some time, there may be a few Geek Lyfers who have not seen your work before, would you be alright introducing yourself?
Black Widow Chile: My name is Fernanda, known as Mary on the social media. I am 26 years old (soon 27) and I am a nurse student (on my last year. Yay!). I’m from Santiago, Chile. I have been a nerd girl for a while, I don’t remember when it started and maybe I’ll die as a proud nerd. I love Marvel as I love my life (my friends know that very well). And my hobbies are writing, cosplay, read Marvel comics and practice jedi fencing (I started it almost a month ago and it’s very cool).
TGL: How long have you been into creating incredible content/cosplays and what led you down this path?
BWC: That’s a very common question these days for me. The most of the people think that I have been on the cosplay world for years, but I really started last year (2018) at Comic Con. The funny thing is I did it “just for the convention” and after that I would leave it, but destiny wanted something different for me. A couple of months later I was invited to a TV show where cosplayers were interviewed and it seemed many people loved my work and started following my personal Instagram account. In that moment I decided to keep the cosplay and to see what happened next. So here I am, still wearing the Black Widow cosplay, thinking of improving it and keep on wearing it.
TGL:Â What has been your favorite moment?
BWC: I have many little favorite moments on this path. Of course, the first was when my favorite Black Widow cosplayer commented one of my pictures on Instagram. She loved it and that motivated me a lot. The rest of them are when people recognize me at the conventions and that makes me feel very happy. I collect every “Hey! Are you the Black-Widow-Chile girl?” on my mind.
TGL: Most frustrating?
BWC: By now, luckily, I haven’t got any frustrating moments. Maybe because I have been on this hobby for a very short time.
TGL: When you aren’t doing this, what do you do in your spare time?
BWC: Well, if I don’t do things related with the cosplay, I watch TV, read some things on the internet, look for new ideas, write stories, study, practice Jedi fencing or spend time with my boyfriend.
TGL: You can choose one fictional character from any universe to come to our world and be your best friend for life. Who is it and why?
BWC: Definitely I choose Tony Stark. You can’t figure out how much I love that guy. I think that it’s one of the most interesting fictional characters in the fictional world. He has a very complex story and his personality has been evolving through time. Of course I consider him a very nice person with a noble spirit. He is always thinking about future and how to make it better to the next generation. He’s an angel without wings.
TGL: How long does the process take from concept to creation?
BWC: It depends on the project. In my case it took me a very short time after I chose the character. Black Widow has few accessories so it didn’t take me so long. I bought the suit, the holster and the tactic belt. The only thing that I made with my hands was the Black Widow buckle (balsa wood) and it took me 24 hours (I was very inspired). I completed the cosplay in one month. Anyway, I’m working on improvements.
TGL: When you encounter a creative block, how do you deal with it?
BWC: Creative blocks are very common. I used to get very frustrated when that happened to me, but then I assumed that it’s also very natural. So now I let it be. The less I think about it, the less it lasts. I just leave the project for a few hours or days and I return to it when I feel relaxed or inspired. Sometimes the mind needs a break and we have to give it some rest.
TGL: What advice do you have for any aspiring content creators out there that goes beyond the normal advice of don’t give up?
BWC: I always start saying that once you start it, you don’t leave it, if you do it with passion. Anything you want to do, you have to do it with your heart. It’s the only way to be happy with a project. Don’t do it for the fame, for money or just to “fit on a group”. You have to know that sometimes you will feel frustrated or anxious and that’s a very normal thing. You always have to remember why you are doing it, even if you feel that you are going nowhere. Be persistent, patient and love every step you make to get what you want.
TGL:Â Where can we find you online?
BWC: You can find me on Instagram as @blackwidowchile and on Facebook as BlackWidowCL!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |
Excellent article really enjoyed the post always enjoy new upcoming articles