Cosplayer of the Week: Chrisssi Bee

This week we have a wonderful woman as our Cosplayer of the Week! Her name is Chrisssi Bee and she has been cosplaying for a number of years, each and every single one of those years she has come out with incredible cosplay after cosplay. Her costumes range from anime to video games and her passion for such genres is overwhelming! She is always so sweet and genuine, every time I get the chance to speak with her it is always so refreshing. It is fantastic to know such wonderful people as Chrisssi Bee exists!
It surprises me so much that she is such a hidden gem in the community. If you are an active part of the Arizona convention community you probably have seen her helping so many others out with their booths, events, or conventions but she, herself is so flipping incredible. She is one of the reasons I love featuring cosplayers because she deserves her own booth and highlight but, at least at this very moment, she isn’t at the forefront of everyone’s mind. But should be!
She puts so much heart and passion in this hobby we all love and adore that I want folks to know of it and appreciate those members in our community that do so much for it and ask so little!
I got the chance to interview her at Saboten 2017!
I highly recommend you check out more about Chrisssi Bee on Facebook and Instagram!
Photos by both Courtex Studios and Eric Orge Photography
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |