Cosplayer of the Week: Momokun Cosplay

Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you an interview today featuring an incredibly talented woman known by the name of Momokun Cosplay. I’ve been a fan of her work for years and have met her multiple times. She has always shown me kindness and grace in every single encounter. She has risen to great heights with her cosplay and has a legion of fans. Despite hustling day and night for her fans, she took the time to agree to our interview and answer a few of our questions.
The Geek Lyfe: What is your cosplay origin story?
Momokun Cosplay: I actually started out cosplaying from twilight and Inuyasha in middle school. Stopped for a bit then returned once I started college. I felt like I didn’t really need to explain myself to friends who thought it was weird and just did what made me happy. I went to a local con and then hit up anime expo 2015 and from there on I fell in love with the world of cosplay.
TGL: Out of all the years you have done cosplay, what has been one of your more favorite/proudest memories?
MC: I would working on my Umineko Project. A lot of people got to be apart of it, and so many creatives and artists put a lot of thought into it as well as their own love and passion. Many of them haven’t even seen the full source material but they would say that my enthusiasm for it was quiet contagious. It was probably just one of the happiest moments in my life and it got me out of a really dark place mentally, reminded me why I started and gave me the confidence I needed. Then after my project aired, the creator of The series; Ryukishi07, had actually seen the video and said that it was really cool which was absolutely a tear jerking moment for me. One of my proudest accomplishments
TGL: Many people online will simply see one of your images, appreciate it for the moment and move on. However, I know that a lot of care and time goes into photoshoots. Could you describe your process for a cosplay photoshoot from the concept to when it hits your fans?
MC: There’s a lot that goes into photoshoots especially at the quality and quantity that SquareNoodles and I pump out.
Usually it starts with an idea and then I go into photoshop and start placing images all around to kind of build a mood board. I plan out my poses and the concept, as well as the set, lighting and the props.
After I do all that I will send over everything to Marvin. From there we discuss when and where, and if it’s a full costume I contact commissioners immediately and get dates scheduled for when the costume is due.
Once an outfit or costume is in hand, we begin shooting. Some shoots take 30 mins some fake 9 hours. All depends on how many shoots and how many looks. Marvin and I work really well together so we are quite fast most of the time.
From there Marvin is in charge of the images, will finish up a few in post and have them ready for me to advertise with on my social media’s. We usually shoot a lot so we have a huge backlog and then I can let him know which shoots are due when. Then Mr.Noodles will go into the editing process and then deliver the sets to me and then I release them on my websites or Patreon!
TGL: Out of all the cosplays you have ever done which one was your personal favorite even if it was not super well received by fans?
MC: My Beatrice cosplay from Umineko No Naku Koro ni. It has a cult following, not very well known but the anime/manga is very close to my heart. It will forever be my favorite cosplay.
TGL: You feature a lot of awesome geeky content, what is your absolute favorite geeky medium? (Video games, anime, comics, film, etc.)
MC: oh gosh… this is quite the difficult question because I find myself getting so passionate about so many things. Video game-wise, Zelda: Wind Waker. Anime, 4-way tie between Umineko, Inuyasha, Fate stay night & Dragon ball Z. Comics hands down Hellboy. And for my favorite film…. master of disguise! I can quote the whole movie, unfortunately… people hate watching it with me.
TGL: Subbed or Dubbed Anime?
MC: I like both! But I prefer to watch subbed! I like reading the subtitles I feel that I retain the information better than just hearing it.
TGL: It is apparent that you hustle to provide content for fans but when you actually have a day off, how do you spend it?
MC: At home with the kitties! When I’m not modeling or working I am a full-time cat mom! Usually, my favorite days are staying in PJ’s and just playing my switch or catching up on new episodes like Fate Babylonia recently! But these days are rare and I’m usually running lots of errands or answering emails, responding to fans, coming up with the next idea, etc But the days I just get to be with the kitties are my favorite.
TGL: You just radiate such confidence and the swagger of a champion. However, a lot of geeks often struggle with overwhelming self-doubt, anxiety, and depression. When you have those bad days and get down on yourself, what do you do to remind yourself that you are wonderful?
MC: I try not to take everything too seriously anymore. I find just having fun in life and just doing my best is enough. I have struggled a lot with mental health issues but I’ve found that stepping out of your own ego helps a lot with all of those things. Sometimes the answer is no answer. Just be. Exist as you should. And enjoy the ride.
TGL: What is one piece of advice you wish you received when you first got into modeling/cosplay?
MC: I don’t really know to be honest. I’ve learned a lot along the way, and while it’s been hard I’ve always enjoyed my own growing process and maybe the best advice I could’ve received was to learn to keep quiet about things. That not everything I go through in life, my audience should know about. I feel that people sometimes lose themselves in their social media, especially models and influencers, where they end up over sharing. I feel that doing that has caused me a lot stress in my life, and now I tend to keep relatively quiet about certain subjects because there are things that should be private.
TGL: Where can we find you online?
MC: On my social media @MariahMallad / @BTSMomokun IG345
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