Cosplayer of the Week: Omystephaniemichelle

I am actually super stoked for this interview because Stephanie Michelle has been one of my high-key favorite cosplayers for years. Obviously she is very sexually attractive and alluring but she is so much more than that. She is beautiful. She is fierce. She is smart. She is proud of who she is. She is just a huge force of nature that has always treated me with kindness and respect at every single convention we’ve bumped into her at.
Getting the chance to get to know more about her is nothing short of a blessing! Please enjoy our interview!
What is your cosplay origin story?
I’ve been attending anime conventions since I was in middle school, I grew up being in awe of cosplayers but never thought I could do it myself. I wasn’t confident modeling nor had a lot of money – which I thought you needed to cosplay. It wasn’t until I met my now-husband that I gave it a shot! He and I cosplayed as rogue and gambit. Cosplaying with someone eased my anxiety about being in front of the camera. During our time in cosplays, a middle-aged woman came up to us, crying, saying “you are my favorite x-men! I love you!” Then took a photo with us., it really made my day. I realized I was more than a cosplay, I was bringing people happiness and it was very fulfilling! I was hooked!
Out of all the years you have done cosplay, what has been one of your more favorite/proudest memories?
Honestly the first time in cosplay as rogue and gambit! During our time in the cosplays, a middle-aged woman came up to us, crying, saying “you are my favorite x-men! I love you!” Then took a photo with us., it really made my day. I realized I was more than a cosplay, I was bringing people happiness and it was very fulfilling!
Many people online will simply see one of your images, appreciate it for the moment, and move on. However, I know that a lot of care and time goes into photoshoots. Could you describe your process for a cosplay photoshoot from the concept to when it hits your
Besides the hours it takes to plan, craft, and edit the photos sometimes getting to the locations that will do the costume justice is a lot of work! Here’s a video I made documenting one journey to get the perfect shot: (video below)
Out of all the cosplays you have ever done which one was your personal favorite even if it was not super well received by fans?
My Peekablue from 80s she-ra because it was the first time I made a huge prop, figuring out how to make the back piece that looked like feathers but wasn’t and light enough to wear all day. Not to mention, how to attach this to a strapless corset? It was like a puzzle!
You feature a lot of awesome geeky content, what is your absolute favorite geeky medium? (Video games, anime, comics, film, etc.)
Definitely anime! I do love all over geeky content but anime will always be my first love
Subbed or Dubbed Anime?
Both! I watch dubbed anime when I’m crafting cosplays and I appreciate English voice actors because the enfaces and tone they use to get across jokes and characters. English and Japanese language is very different in this aspect so I appreciate that. I watch subbed anime when I’m just relaxing.
It is apparent that you hustle to provide content for fans but when you actually have a day off, how do you spend it?
Saturday is my day off and I try to just relax by hiking, eating cookies or playing video games.
You just radiate such confidence and the swagger of a champion. However, a lot of geeks often struggle with overwhelming self-doubt, anxiety, and depression. When you have those bad days and get down on yourself, what do you do to remind yourself that you are wonderful?
Haha thanks! I don’t always feel confident. Posting any content online opens yourself up to a lot of critical comments, especially when you are a woman posting photos of yourself. While I usually don’t allow these thoughts to get to me, sometimes it gets overwhelming. Having a great support system offline has really helped me. Of course, I have my husband, who always has my back but I’ve also become great friends with a lot of fellow models and we often hype each other up or vent when we need it. It’s so helpful to have a real core friend group that you can rely on for support.
What is one piece of advice you wish you received when you first got into modeling/cosplay?
That you don’t need a lot of money or experience to cosplay. It’s very intimidating to see professional cosplayers who have worked 6 months or more on cosplay and think “wow I can never look like that” but in reality, there are so many options out there, no matter your skill or budget. Many resell websites and apps are a great way to get cosplays on a budget and so many tutorials out there to learn from as well. I truly believe anyone can cosplay and should if you think it sounds like fun!
Where can we find you online?
Twitter @omystephanie
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |
Very impressive cosplayer, thank’s for submitting this post very nice!