Cosplayer Of The Week: Tidesiren

Cosplayer Of The Week: Tidesiren
Happy Friday everyone! 😀 We’ve got a great cosplayer for you this week! It’s none other than Tidesiren! It seemed that after every convention I would go through my photos and find Tidesiren pop up in a great cosplay but I never actually got the chance to speak with her! At the time I did not even know her name but sure enough after around 6 months I finally got to meet her face to face and discovered she was a complete delight!
To my surprise she actually knew who I was and who Geek Lyfe was! She admitted to being a fan and agreed to do the interview and a shoot. Before we get into the interview I would just like to mention how much spunk she has for being so tiny! While doing a photo shoot with Deegan Marie Photography, she volunteered to climb, balance, and stand in the most awkward of positions in order to get great shots. It’s not everyday you meet a cosplayer so light hearted and tenacious!!
The Geek Lyfe: Although I have been a fan of yours for quite some time, there may be a few Geek Lyfers who have not seen your work before, would you be alright introducing yourself?
TS: Hey there! I’m Jaclyn Rene Cosplay! I’m not a huge deal, but I like to think that I’m a pretty cool person and love making new friends!
TGL: How long have you been into cosplay and what led you down this path?
TS: This year in November will be my 3 year anniversary of cosplaying and Kikori con up in flagstaff was the con that started it all for me! I saw the costumes and the amazing Precious cosplay, and I wanted to be like her…so here I am.
TGL: What has been your favorite moment?
TS: I’ve had dozens…but they’ve all held a pattern with little kids and the looks of awe on their faces! Hawkgirl and Elsa, of course, have been their favorites, but they seem to like Popstar ahri as well, so it’s a ton of fun bringing the magic of a character to life for them!
TGL: What was the worst day for you in your cosplay career, what happened, and how did you deal with it.
TS: Um, I don’t think I’ve had a really awful day in my cosplay career. I’ve had a day here and there where a cosplay would fall apart or not come together as I had hoped and I have had mini meltdowns, I am so sorry to my handlers/helpers/friends who have been there for me through these times, but I’ve always had people there with me to reassure me and get me on a happier track, so I’ve always been able to enter my con attending one way or another.
TGL: When you aren’t doing this, what do you do in your spare time?
TS: I’m a huge homebody. I like the comfort of my couch and I LOVE movies haha my currently in the middle of moving and I’ve got 3 boxes full of DVDs, so if you want a movie night, I’m your girl!
TGL: What geek medium(Video Games, Comic Books, Novels, Movies etc.) made the biggest impact on your life and why?
TS: Well, you probably guessed it, but movies and anime. Growing up with action and adventure movies, I’d always pretend and want to be apart of the journey and challenges, always asking myself that if I were in that situation, what would I do and how would I handle the obstacles in front of me. Movies, tv shows, anime…they’ve all given me the chance to experience with characters and learn from them as well, give me different perspectives, outlooks, opinions…encourage me to stop and smell the flowers every once in a while and to remind me of how thankful I really am for what I have.
TGL: You can bring one fictional character from any universe to our world and they are your best friend for life. Which character is this and why?
TS: Oh that’s a good one….If love Ariel to be real because mermaids….Hawkgirl…man I’d soooo mooch off her to fly places haha…but I want to say since I am looking at moving to Phoenix, Elsa from Frozen. I think he valley could use some snow days and a good cool down after their summer heat…and since I will be there too, I’d really like not to be a puddle from melting haha
TGL: Do you have any projects in the near future we should be excited to see?
TS: Hmm well, with the PokemonGo hype as high as it is, I’ll be cosplaying a Pokemon with ElfyAubrie and Krash cosplay for Palm Springs Comic Con…can you guess which Pokemon? And if you like Inuyasha, stay tuned for Saboten con, and Lemon Bell cosplay and I are looking at several projects together too. There’s a lot I want to be apart of, and I’m so excited to join my friends with all of it as well as shower what I’ve been able to pull together!
TGL: What advice do you have for any aspiring cosplayers out there?
TS: Don’t let anything hold you back. Nothing at all. There is a world of possibility out there and you can literally be whatever the heck you want! Cosplay what YOU want and what YOU love. You’re the one putting hours into the costume and YOU’RE the one whose going to wear it. Be proud, confident, and most importantly have fun because if you don’t, what’s the point?
TGL: What costume would you say is your favorite so far?
TS: Oh gosh haha I don’t know if I can choose a favorite. Hawkgirl was so badass, Elsa was so perfect for the kiddos, and Popstar Ahri was so perfect and fit my personality…I’d have to say those are my top 3 that I love equally for their own reasons and experiences I’ve had ale wearing them.
I want to give a huge thank you to her for taking the time to answer a few of our questions! We hope to see her at future conventions and can not wait to see all of her future cosplays! She is a goodball and I have no doubt you’ll love her for it! If you’d like, follow her on her Facebook, I promise you will not be disappointed!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |