Cosplayer of the Week: Toxiekatt

What is your cosplay origin story?
I began cosplaying in early 2012. I had fallen in love with anime around 2011 and even years before I knew I wanted to cosplay, but I was afraid to pursue it. Sometime around late 2011 when I fell in love with Vocaloid (specifically Len Kagamine), I knew I needed to cosplay him. It was store-bought, and the wig was terrible, but they were truly humble beginnings– sparking a creative journey that most certainly shaped who I am today.
Out of all the years you have done cosplay, what has been one of your more favorite/proudest memories?
There have definitely been a few! One memory that stands out is New York Comic Con 2018 when the Critical Role cast recognized me (in my Mollymauk cosplay) from cosplaying as all of the Mighty Nein characters (which they had seen on Twitter and Instagram). There’s footage of Liam O’Brien spotting me in this crowd during an interview and called me out to stand up for everyone, and I to this day still don’t know how he saw me. I am unbelievably grateful.
Many people online will simply see one of your images, appreciate it for the moment, and move on. However, I know that a lot of care and time goes into photoshoots. Could you describe your process for a cosplay photoshoot from the concept to when it hits your fans?
First, I figure out what character I want to shoot. Then I scout for locations, often brainstorming with my team (if I have one for the shoot) and the photographer. If it’s a location I’m familiar with then I would just arrive and figure out where to shoot the day of; if it’s somewhere I’ve never been before I usually like to take a look around the location before the shoot day. Shoot days are usually early morning, all-day endeavor. Especially since it takes so long to get into cosplay, travel to the location, and set up. Lots of practice shots, variation shots, and standing around. But lots of fun and exciting! Bring lots of water and some snacks. Maybe a phone charger or two. And depending on the location, a change of comfy clothes and shoes!
After the photoshoot, either the photographer edits the photos or I do. Then I post them!
Out of all the cosplays you have ever done which one was your personal favorite even if it was not super well received by fans?
Currently, one of my personal favourites is my El Fauno cosplay. Pan’s Labyrinth does not have as much of a massive fanbase as say Critical Role or Marvel, so when I’m in the cosplay I’m often mistaken for different characters. But those who recognize the character certainly appreciate it. Plus, that costume was one of my dream creations, and the fact that I was able to build such a wondrous thing fills me with joy, even if it isn’t perfect.
You feature a lot of awesome geeky content, what is your absolute favorite geeky medium? (Video games, anime, comics, film, etc.)
This is a hard one! Video Games, Movies/Television, and Comics are probably my main forms of “geeky content”.
Subbed or Dubbed Anime?
Both! Depending on the anime of course, and whether or not the dub is a decent one.
It is apparent that you hustle to provide content for fans but when you actually have a day off, how do you spend it?
When not cosplaying, working on a cosplay, or doing a makeup look, I typically go to the gym or do at home workouts (I’m increasingly getting into bodybuilding). I also spend a lot of time painting, playing video games, spending time with my family and boyfriend, and watching movies.
You just radiate such confidence and the swagger of a champion. However, a lot of geeks often struggle with overwhelming self-doubt, anxiety, and depression. When you have those bad days and get down on yourself, what do you do to remind yourself that you are wonderful?
I’ve always been told that I intimidate people because I radiate confidence, but honestly, I’m an extremely anxious and self-conscious person. I’ve had body image issues all my life– with being underweight (until recently due to bodybuilding), and other causes.
When my insecurities become overwhelming however and I fall into a rut, I remind myself that if there is something I’m not happy with, and it is something I have the ability to change, then I should do just that– change it. It also helps that I have a wonderful partner who always sits with me and helps me talk through what I’m feeling.
What is one piece of advice you wish you received when you first got into modeling/cosplay?
Always practice poses in the mirror beforehand. Prepare a handful of various poses for whatever character you’re cosplaying as. Maybe even take some test photos to see what they look like. Just know your angles. Trust me, that will save you from embarrassing photos from coming to haunt you in the future!
Where can we find you online?
I’m most active on my Instagram @ toxiekatt !
I also have:
Tik Tok @ toxiekat
Twitter @ toxiekatt
Tumblr @ toxiekat
Youtube @ Toxie Kat
Facebook @ ToxieKat Cosplay
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