Cosplayer of the Week: Cherubinoe

We have a pretty awesome cosplayer for you this week by the name of Cherubinoe ! 😀 She does such fantastic cosplays and focuses on getting the makeup on point which completely enhances the costume. Even the details of every single costume looks incredible, not to mention the poses and photography! Cherubinoe is definitely a show stopper that I how to get to meet because they really do put their hear and soul into this hobby!
I hope you enjoy our interview!
The Geek Lyfe: There may be a few Geek Lyfers who have not seen your work before, would you be alright introducing yourself?
Cherubinoe: My name is Cherubinoe and I’m a super enthusiastic cosplayer! I make all my own costumes from scratch and love taking on new projects. I’m hoping to become more involved in the cosplay community this year and make some new friends. I’m also a licensed cosplay makeup artist and I’m planning on debuting my first panel on this subject at Colassalcon this year, so long as it is approved. I’ve delved quite deeply into the nitty-gritty of cosplay makeup and I believe my tips and techniques will benefit many cosplayers out there.
TGL: How long have you been into cosplay and what led you down this path?
C: I actually started cosplay when I was in Elementary school–that’s unusually early, I know! It makes sense though because I had always been obsessed with costuming, even in preschool. I’ve also always enjoyed art, so the craftmanship side of cosplay was something I naturally gravitated towards. I definitely found the social side of cosplay appealing as well. Like a lot of other people in this endeavor, I had a difficult time making friends as a kid because no one shared my common interests. Conventions were the one place I could go and not be ridiculed for liking what I liked or being who I was. It’s been a long haul–I’ve been cosplaying for over ten years!
TGL: What has been your favorite moment?
C: Trying on a new costume for the first time and seeing myself transformed into one of my favorite characters is definitely the most rewarding aspect of cosplay for me!
TGL: What was the worst day for you in your cosplay career, what happened, and how did you deal with it?
C: When I was a kid, I used to take on projects that were too difficult and end up not finishing them in time for the con. It became very frustrating so I decided to just take off a year to research and practice my techniques without any deadlines or plans. It ended up paying off!
TGL: When you aren’t doing this, what do you do in your spare time?
C: Musical Theatre is also another passion of mine and I especially enjoy singing, which I’ve been taking lessons for since Elementary school. I’ve always loved being on stage and performing in front of an audience! Because of this, I work for a princess party company on the side. It’s wonderful seeing the new generation of children being just as into princesses as I was as a kid. It’s so rewarding to be able to make all of their dreams come true! I’m very thankful that I can make money doing what I love.
TGL: What geek medium(Video Games, Comic Books, Novels, Movies, etc.) made the biggest impact on your life and why?
C: Anime and manga were definitely what impacted my life the most when I was younger. The overall art style is what initially piqued my interest, but later on, I was really fascinated by the unconventional beauty of the bishonen. Even so, I’ve been more into video games as of late because I find the stories richer and the character designs more interesting. That and mashing buttons is the best. ✌️?
TGL: You can bring one fictional character to this world to be your best friend for life. Who is it and why?
C: With absolutely no hesitation, Ignis Scientia from Final Fantasy XV! ??? Except he’d be my husband for life, not a best friend…LOL! As soon as I started playing the game, I was smitten. He’s literally everything I’ve ever wanted in a man: intellectual, debonair, and that British accent just emphasizes it all! He’s quite reserved…I think he would have very cute reactions to my flirting…tee-hee! >\\w\\
TGL: Do you have any projects in the near future we should be excited to see?
C: Yes! I’m currently working on Gaara from Naruto and Sora from Kingdom Hearts II. After that, I’m planning on pairing up with my mom for a Zuko and Iroh cosplay! I’m also hoping to tackle some more challenging projects this year such as Lunafreya from Final Fantasy XV, a Sakizo design, and Griffith’s armor from Berserk!
TGL: Out of the costumes you have done in the past, which one has been the most difficult and why?
C: Pirate Haru was the most challenging costume because it forced me to learn about new sewing, accessory, and jewelry making techniques such as weathering and resin casting, which I had no prior experience in.
TGL: What advice do you have for any aspiring cosplayers out there?
C: If you have chosen to create your costumes from scratch, making time to research, practice, and experiment is going to really improve your skills! Don’t just jump into projects without thinking about them first. Challenge yourself, but wait until you have a few simple costumes under your belt–it can be frustrating to take on crazy detailed costumes before you’ve mastered the basics! Also, PLEASE finish your costumes in time to practice your makeup and fix bugs. If you don’t you risk your costume falling apart at the con…I have prior experience…
We want to give a huge shout out to Cherubinoe for taking the time to answer a few of our humble questions! We absolutely love everything she has done and can not wait to see what she does next! Be sure to check out Cherubinoe on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Pirate Haruka Nanase Photographer: Lexa One Photographie
Yuno Gasai: Photographer: GooJunky Photography
Peter Pan: Photographer: GooJunky Photography
Prince Zuko: Photographer: Don Dolce Photography
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |
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