Cosplayers of the Year 2016


Cosplayers of the Year 2016

There were so many fantastic cosplayers that we interviewed this year and last. Even making a list of only 13 cosplayers was difficult in itself! If you missed the nominees, check them out here! Deciding on whether or not to have our readers vote or have our staff vote on a winner was also a difficult choice. In the end we decided to do both! That way the people get a say in whose work they enjoy most while also having our staff pick a winner based on hard judgement!

While Darth Mexican organized everything and created hype for the event, Spocktopus is behind the award! She is hard at work creating the physical awards but while the winners wait on that, The Geek Lyfe is also giving each winner $100  to help them fund their next cosplay(Or for food or rent or whatever!)! We seriously appreciate how much hard work they put into their costumes and want to encourage them to continue creating awesome content!

People’s Champ

Starting off, we’ll go with the People’s Champ! Over a thousand votes were casted and the results ended up being pretty close with Alana Waffles with 200, Sara Moni with 218, and then LaydiexSkull with the most amount of votes: 252!

As I said in her nominee section, I adore LaydiexSkull because of how diverse her cosplays are! While she can ttoally rock the more sexy cosplays by showing off her skin, she also has no problem throwing on a blad cap for Saitama or wearing body paint to be Freakazoid. I give her all the props in the world for finding a character she loves and then running with it. She is a great example of the correct philosophy to bring to the community which is just do whatever you’d like because you like it and not because of what you think others will enjoy. Cosplayer is first and formost about having a great time being dressed up as a dope character!

Editor’s Pick

One of the main reasons I chose to have the Editor’s Pick is to allow for an honest judgement of all of the cosplayers to pick the one we believe to be top tier. Granted, all of the nominees were top tier in their craft but to be talented and then pump out incredible costume after costume while maintaining quality and originality is no easy feat.

It is for this reason Dhareza Cosplayza is our choice for the Editor’s Pick!

Dhareza is a cosplayer from New York City who specializes in armor crafting and design. He has done a number of prominent characters from Commander Shepard to Batman. With each costume comes an overwhelming amount of detail, even more so in his more original designs like his Samurai Deathstroke or Spartan Batman. My personal favorite was his Arcane Green Lantern from the now dead Infinite Crisis which is DC comic’s MOBA game.

Although this was not a factor in the decision making, he also edits many of his photos with incredible designs! To say he is hardworking and loves what he does is an understatement!

Happy N7 day! Happy lens flare day! Armor made by @beckanoel

A photo posted by Dhareza Cosplayza Maramis (@darayz) on

Huge congratulations to our two winners for our first ever Cosplayer of the Year awards! 😀 We learned a ton from this event and hope to improve it for next year! Thank you also to all those who participated in voting!

If you are a cosplayer and wish to be considered for Cosplayer of the year for 2017, we need to interview you! That way we can keep tabs on what you do during the year and consider you when the time gets closer. We will only consider cosplays done in the year of 2017 and just a reminder that body type/social media following/age etc. doesn’t mean much to us! It is all about your quality of work, influence on the community, doing right by your fans, and so on. If we have already interviewed you then we are still keeping tabs on you! 😀

Be sure to follow and support all of the nominees!

See you guys next year

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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