Crunchyroll is excited to join forces with AnimeLab and match donations up to $50,000 USD for Wildlife Victoria

Crunchyroll is stepping up to help make our world a better place by raising money for Wildlife Victoria! They have joined up with AnimeLab and advised that they will be matching donations up to $50,000 USD. The GoFunMe page has already raised over $40k with other big industry names contributing as well. Their main goal is to hit $150,000 and with so many big companies stepping in to match dollar amounts, there is no doubt in our mind that they’ll achieve it!
Crunchyroll is excited to join forces with AnimeLab and match donations up to $50,000 USD for Wildlife Victoria as we aim to make the biggest impact possible. The GoFundMe campaign has already raised over $25,000 USD towards the overarching goal of $150,000 USD.
Crunchyroll is joining forces with the global anime community to raise awareness and donate to the wildlife affected by the Australian bushfires.
AnimeLab started a GoFundMe campaign called Anime Heroes for Aussie Wildlife and Crunchyroll is combining efforts by matching donations up to $50,000 USD ($75,000 AUS)
The donations will go directly to Wildlife Victoria — a not-for-profit organization, offering an emergency response service to the community to help with sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife.
Crunchyroll is joining forces with the Anime Heroes for Aussie Wildlife GoFundMe!
All donations go directly towards helping the wildlife affected by the Australian bushfires. Donate today! ✨
?? More:
— Crunchyroll (@Crunchyroll) January 31, 2020
More about Wildlife Victoria from their website:
Wildlife Victoria
Wildlife Victoria has provided the community with a Wildlife Emergency Response service for 30 years.
Every year thousands of native animals in Victoria become sick, injured or orphaned, often as a direct result of human activity. If left unassisted, these animals may suffer and die in pain or of starvation.
Our Wildlife Emergency Response Service receives notifications from members of the public via our emergency phone and online reporting system. We receive about 80,000 requests for help a year and help over 50,000 animals. When a member of the public contacts us about a sick, injured or orphaned animal, our Emergency Response Operators provide advice to help the caller manage the situation appropriately, and when necessary, arranges for a trained volunteer to attend. They also liaise with other organisations to ensure the best possible outcome for the animal.
The rescue service relies on an extensive state-wide network of rescue and transport volunteers, veterinarians who provide pro-bono services for wildlife, and the licenced carers and shelters who accept animals into their care for rehabilitation and release.
In addition to the rescue service, through our education programs and activities we help wildlife by providing people with the knowledge and skills they need for peaceful and positive co-existence with wildlife, and by facilitating positive community attitudes toward wildlife.
We advocate for wildlife whenever their welfare is under threat or compromised. We support efforts by government, community groups and individuals to ameliorate threats to wildlife, particularly those that are caused by humans.
Be sure to check out more information on the GoFundMe page and contribute to this great cause!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |