Crunchyroll launches Death Note, Naruto films, Inuyasha and more through VIZ Media deal

We have some exciting news for you today as Crunchyroll and VIZ Media announce Anime distribution deal for U.S. and Canada. Crunchyroll, the world’s most popular anime brand, and VIZ Media, a premier manga publishing and anime distribution company, are bringing a ton of VIZ Media titles to their platform for the enjoyment of all.
Eighteen incredible Viz Media titles will be available on Crunchyroll starting December 16, including:
One Punch Man Season 1 (Subtitle Only)
Also, these titles will be available starting December 19
A majority of titles will be available to the Crunchyroll users in the United States and Canada with the exception of “One Punch Man.” Season 1 of the series will be available in the United States, Canada, and Latin America.
As a die-hard Crunchyroll user, I’m stoked to hear about these additions and look forward to reporting more news down the road. Feel free to check out Crunchyroll and everything they offer on their website.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |