Demora Fairy’s Tracer Photo Shoot is Too Adorable!

Demora Fairy’s Tracer Photo Shoot is Too Adorable!

I can not express to you just how much I love photography, granted while I, myself, am a mediocre photographer I constantly spend my free time admiring the work of so many others! One of which is DemoraFairy Photography who lives in the UK, not only is she a wicked awesome photographer but she also cosplays at the same time. When I first met her and was astounded that she was interested in working with us it blew me away even more when I discovered her fantastic costumes!

What I wanted to bring to you today was a shoot she did with Rhinlentless Cosplay and Tiny Terra Cosplay earlier this year at MCM London Comic Con! In this shoot Rhinlentless is Tracer and Tiny plays her partner, Emily! In a series of photos Tracer turns from confident and capable hero to an overwhelmed pile of mush as she can’t help but melt from Emily’s affection.

It was such a great shoot and I knew the moment I saw it I needed to show our readers! The cosplayers are wonderful,the photography is great and it’s just so good! Make sure to give all the love to DemoraFairy for her work and to Rhilentless and Tiny Terra Cosplay for their dope cosplays!

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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