Doomsday The Major Villain In Batman V Superman?


Doomsday The Major Villain In Batman V Superman?

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is a film in which I have wanted to see my entire life. Not so much the aspect of the two of them fighting one another but having them fight side by side on the big screen is what my geek heart yearns for. As a lot of us comic book fans know, when ever a comic features two awesome heroes and pits them against each other it’s always a misunderstanding and they eventually team up and take down a great evil.

BvS: DoJ seems to be no different as there are now rumors of Doomsday appearing in the film. Umberto Gonzalez AKA El Mayimbe came by Shanlian On Batman podcast and made an announcement that Doomsday will be appearing in Batman V Superman. As he went on about this information he mentioned how Lex Luthor will be more of a side villain than the main antagonist(I was hoping for the purple and power suit). Doomsday very well may be the big baddie that brings these two defenders together.

From what little details were given, Doomsday will be both CGI and live action, “incredible” is what Gonzalez said about the live action version. Although they are already diverting from the comics, we can still hope he’ll at least look similar in the movie. The rumor that Doomsday was going to appear in the film are not new, it’s been reported even a year ago but now there is more support for these claims.

The reason Doomsday is so famous is due to his killing of Superman. The two fought in his first appearance his the abomination’s sole purpose was to kill superman and defeat everyone along the way(which he did). In the end superman ‘died’ battling the monster. Later Superman came back to life revealing that he merely pretended to die so that Doomsday would finally stop because he thought he succeeded in his mission. When the two fougth again, Superman destroyed Doomsday with ease. Many say that Superman also killed death in comic books since from then on every comic book death was overwritten with some sort of revival excuse. Bu that is a story for another day.

With Justice League Part One coming out only a year from Batman V Superman, we can probably expect lingering enemies and effects as a result of what ever the outcome is for Batman V Superman and the Justice League to deal with in their film. Overall, I’m mostly excited because they are even attempting a Batman V Superman/Justice League film and no matter how it comes out I’ll watch it. However I do have some reservations on the speed in which these films and their storylines and taking place. Doomsday is a huge card to play, one that I believe would have been better suited for a later time. Another villain, one still powerful yet not as mind blowingly controversial like Doomsday may have been a better chance(Brainiac!).

What do you think about all this?

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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