Five Dope Animated Shorts
If you are anything like us you are probably awesome. Also you probably enjoy quirky shows such as: Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Over The Garden Wall, Avatar The Last Air Bender etc. These are such incredible shows that are beloved by so many however hardly any of them were even considered for the longest time. Their creators gathered together the team that they could and put their heart and soul into a single animated short or pilot episode for publishers to decide whether or not to invest in them.
Often times creators will simply make an animated short and keep it at that because it is so hard to break into the business! Well, I absolutely love shorts and want to share it with you all by providing you with 10 of my favorite shorts!
Infinity Train
Infinity Train is already making waves, even in its short form! Released on Cartoon Network’s Youtube channel on November 6th of 2016, it has already over 1 million views and a cult following who are already starting petitions to get it greenlit! Infinity Train is witty, entertaining, and has so much mystery behind that kept me on the edge of my seat! When the credits rolled my heart sunk when I found out there was not an entire season that I could binge. I seriously hope this gets greenlit!
Obituary is my kind of show seeing as it has a very dark sense of humor that is balanced with light hearted jokes. The main character gains the ability to see and speak to the undead and has to deal with attending Highschool. Along the way she makes new friends and has to deal with new enemies just the same. The concept is unique and for that I really want to see more of it!
Final Space
Final Space is a silly yet serious sci fi show created by Olan Rogers and was actually greenlit to air on TBS in the future. We’re introduced to the main character during his final moments and then join him as he relives his life and regrets. In these 8 minutes they give you a glimpse of such a vast universe and the potential of so many incredible adventures if given a chance! I actually had no idea it was greenlit until I wrote up this article! Be sure to check it out so you can say that you saw it before it was cool!
Victor & Valentino
Oh man, I really want Victor and Valentino to succeed! It is a show based in Mexico that follows the adventures of two half brothers that live in a town where the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is thin enough that the two often blend together. I do love that Cartoon Network is bringing so much diversity and culture to their shows that are aimed towards younger viewers! This show isn’t flawless though, it suffers from the troubles of trying to appeal to both Hispanics and mainstream viewers at the same time. As a concept, this is a great idea but in practice it comes across as cringeworthy because they don’t ever commit to either side. They speak Spanish but in a very Americanized way or they use a bunch of Mexicans terms or phrases that comes out awkward and almost forced. However this does show a potential to change into a show that handles this in a better way. So here is to hoping it gets greenlit!
The Doll that Chose to Drive
The Doll That Chose To Drive is a great animation that tells of the story of toys breaking the social norms when the store closes. The Barbie like doll gets frustrated when her carriage does not move and goes in search of other vehicles. They cat call her until she arrives on a sportscar that offers her the passenger side, like a badass, she refuses and chooses to be the driver and then races through the store watching the other toys do whatever it is that they want without fear or judgement. Then at the end it has a great message for folks. It is a great animated short that I think everyone will enjoy!
I hope you enjoyed our list of five animated dope animated shorts! Do you have any animated shorts that you love? Let us know in the comments below!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo