Game On Expo Skit: Darth Mexican vs The World

Game On Expo Skit: Darth Mexican vs The World
One convention we always look out for every year is Game On Expo which takes place in Phoenix, Arizona! We could go on and on about how wonderful the event is but we will save that for our actual review of the event! For now, we wanted to show you a skit we did at Game On Expo that involves some of our favorite homies! I, Darth Mexican, decided it was time to challenge my dear friends in school yard games to prove I am the dominant person in our friendship.
The unfortunate fellows who must be shown the might of my beard are Kaypickle, Khainsaw, Game2Hype, Deegan Marie and AmberSkies Cosplay! They are all wonderful cosplayers who you need to check out and love!
Enjoy the video!
I want to thank all of my friends for helping out with this project! I, as always, thought of the idea during the convention and then forced my friends to be in it or help with it. Thankfully they love me and agreed! They are seriously fantastic people and you would love they produce. Behind the scenes both Schrei205 and Bytes n Brews helped tremendously!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |
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