Game Night: A Surprisingly Great Film

When I first saw the trailer for Game Night, I pegged it for an alright film with a few solid chuckles. Well, I was dead wrong. Game Night is a film where a group of friends gather for a night of gaming, this time with the main character, Max played by Jason Bateman ‘s more successful brother, Brooks played by Kyle Chandler, as the host. In an attempt to one up the Max, the brother stages a murder mystery and it quickly unravels into chaos.
What I love about Game Night is that the writers know that viewers would look at their film and make a judgement call on it’s quality and jokes. Using this knowledge, they sprinkled various jokes with punchlines that would be unexpected by the viewer. By doing this, the film quickly became unexpected and side splitting because you had no idea what would happen next.
Although there were many great performances and characters in the film, it was Jesse Plemons‘ character, Gary, that stole the show. Gary is the next door neighbor of Max and he is creepy in every way. So much so that the film makers actually go out of their way to use unique camera angles and zoom ins just for his character. While you can predict a majority of the character’s actions based upon their shallow personality, you never quite know what Gary is up to. I would honestly love a film solely about Gary living his life!
The aspects of the film that were undesirable were the amount of jokes that were involved in some scenes. A lot of them hit their intended mark and resulted in side splitting laughter but then immediately followed up another three jokes. By that time it didn’t matter what happened, you were numb to the humor. The film followed three pairs, two of which were married, they had their sub plot start and end with moderate satisfaction. However, the pair that hated one another in the beginning never got to show the transition into being an actual couple that is shown in the epilogue. It is such a text book move to show that first kiss or explosion of passion that solidifies them but it was never shown and only assumed.
Overall, Game Night is a film that I would recommend to anyone. The cast of characters are diverse, situations are ridiculous, and the twists you’ll encounter add so much to the experience. Be sure to check out more information on Game Night at
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |