Geek Lyfe Podcast Ep 1: Anime

Geek Lyfe Podcast Ep 1: Anime
Hey friends!
This month’s Geek Lyfe podcast was on Anime! I gathered my two good friends, Elysa AKA Spocktopus who is the second in command for Star Ship Geek Lyfe and Eric AKA Eric-Kun from Spiral Series! Together we talked about our favorite series, the worst anime we have ever watched, and even our anime origin stories!
Some of the recommended anime were: Iron Blooded Orphans, One Punch Man, G.T.O., JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and so many more!
We all give great recommendations on which shows to check out! If you enjoyed the podcast, feel free to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more awesome!
Which anime were your favorites? What was your anime origin story? Tell us in the comments below!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |