Gen Con 2022 was Fantastic

Hello, my fellow convention goers! If you are a fan of board games, tabletop role-playing games, or card games then you’ve probably heard that Gen Con is the ultimate convention for the industry. This year I got to attend and I am here to confirm your suspicions that it was in fact a fantastic experience!
Whether you are coming to the event as a consumer, creator, influencer, etc, there was something for everyone! Gen Con is held every year in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Indianapolis convention center. This facility was massive and was conveniently connected to multiple hotels that allowed congoers to come and go from their rooms as they please without having to walk outside.

The exhibitor hall was filled with big brands from Renegade Games, Modiphius, Wizards of the Coast, and so many others sharing their latest releases and engaging with fans. Although the huge booths are always entertaining, I found myself loving the small publishers like Indie Press Revolution, Magpie Games, Kobold Press, and others who had so many indie titles to offer that were awesome purchases!

As for influencers and indie creators, there were plenty of panels on topics ranging from world-building to writing, publishing, and more to help those getting into the industry. My favorite event of the entire weekend was absolutely the BIPOC Mixer where which gathered together both major and minor influencers to have their network.
I literally sat at a table with Tanya De Pass, B. Dave Walters, DM Jazzy Hands, and more. I was blown away by how welcoming everyone was and the energy in the room was exciting to chat about their upcoming projects and also what they needed help with. So many great connections were made that night and it was the most welcomed I have ever felt at a convention!

As far as COVID prevention goes, Gen Con required that all attendees are vaccinated and wore a mask at all times. During the week I hardly saw anyone unmasked with the exception of eating and drinking. Everyone seemed to be on the same page to respect the rule and try their best to prevent the spread of COVID.
Despite attending multiple events and chatting with various people, I did not get COVID!

Overall, the weekend was spectacular in every way, shape, and form. I highly recommend attending Gen Con if you get the chance, especially if you are a fan of tabletop gaming!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |
That 1st picture with the balloon dragon sculpture is amazing, the amount of detail is crazy. Can only imagine the time and effort required to make something that detailed.