Get Your Hands on Kingdoms, Warfare & More Minis Before It Is Too Late!

Looking for incredible content to help spice up your Dungeons & Dragons adventures? Check out Kingdoms, Warfare & More Minis and their Kickstarter! These folks are working hard to raise money so they can provide a 5th edition supplement for managing kingdoms, playing organizations, and waging war!
At the time of writing this, they have shot past their goal of $300,000 by over $500k! Not only is the product going to be produced but stretch goals are being unlocked left and right to thank contributors for believing in this project!
Kingdoms and Warfare introduces Domain-level play to your game, allowing players to become Regents running a Kingdom, Duchy, or Barony! Or a Church! A Thieves’ Guild! A Bard’s College! Whichever you choose, it’s your Domain. Your domain can take actions, raise armies, conduct espionage, and wage war!
Different kinds of Domains have access to different actions. A Thieves’ Guild is quite good at espionage, not so good at raising armies. So you may need allies! Because you will certainly have enemies!
Characters are still adventurers! But now the stakes are higher. Now the dragon threatens your people! And the dungeon contains the power you need to stop your enemies’ schemes!
While you’re away; your Lieutenant runs your domain (by your command) allowing you to continue adventuring as normal. Or as normal as anything is in this game. 😀
I love everything about Kingdoms, Warfare & More Minis, you can tell the team put their heart and soul into this for fans to enjoy. The depth of the content is immense and offers a lot of extra game time for lucky players who get their hands on this! The current estimated ship date is May 2021, which is quite a bit of time but understandable considering the fact they’ll be making them as soon as the Kickster gets completed.
Be sure to check out more about Kingdoms, Warfare & More Minis and consider investing!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |