Hazelnuttygames Is My Favorite WoW Streamer and Why She’ll Be Yours as Well

In the realm of content creation, there are an ocean of steamers and YouTubers pumping out content for World of Warcraft. For those who are unaware, World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role playing game focused on the conflict between two opposing factions and their attempts to save their home of Azeroth.
World of Warcraft is so beloved that there are members of the community that move mountains and cross oceans in order to help provide guides and news to the benefit of all. One particular purple haired Canadian by the name of Hazel has a YouTube channel, Hazelnuttygames!
Hazel takes the time to not only stream on Twitch but also YouTube. She creates raid guides that showcases the strengths and weaknesses of various current tier bosses along with strategies to help players conquer these foes. Her videos tend to be clear, to the point, and easy to understand which is one of the main reasons our own WoW guild has converted solely to her videos for understanding new boss mechanics.
Along with raid guides, she also talks about current news, sticking to just the facts and then gives her own opinion on the topics at hand. Hazel has a wealth of experience in World of Warcraft so her insight is always such a blessing for more casual players who don’t quite understand all of the changes.
She also has plenty of guides explaining professions, pet battles, and mount runs so that no matter what part of the game you enjoy, she’ll have something for you! She can even be seen doing the same things she explains in her videos during her live streams where she takes the time to answer questions and just hang out with fans.
A really big aspect of Hazel is the focus on good vibes. I do not think I’ve seen another WoW content creator with as much joy as Hazel. It is commonplace for higher end WoW players to be drowning in salt and semi toxicity yet Hazel constantly praises the game for the parts she enjoys and you can tell she is just a huge fan.
This might be the Canadian racial bonus to kindness that adds to this but Hazel is charming! She happily farms for mounts as she highlights her favorite tea, her animals, and offers a pleasant experience. Even in a video where another content creator watches her video to comment on it, certain moments get a bit heated. The streamer’s chat say some not so nice things unfortunately and Hazel does nothing but maintain a very professional and kind demeanor offering nothing but praise and understanding to all those involved.
Hazelnuttygaming is honestly a breath of fresh air that is desperately needed in the WoW community and if you are looking for a fun time while also learning how to become a better player, absolutely check out her content!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo