Hispanicize Hangout’s First Episode Features Latinx Legend John Leguizamo!

I am so proud of being a part of the Latinx community and have been a huge fan of Hispanicize ever since I found out about their incredible event. If you are not aware, Hispanicize is an event that celebrates Latinx content creators as a whole. They bring huge entertainers, brand representatives, teach classes and more all so that it helps everyone who attends grow.
While living in a world under siege by COVID-19, Hispanicize has turned to broadcasting an episodic series called Hispanicize Hangout!
Their first episode featured none other than the incredible John Leguizamo! He has performed in so many fantastic projects and has been such an icon for Latinx entertainers that I was so hyped for it! Hispanicize Hangout is such a fun show that accomplishes the goal of informing while entertaining. In this episode, the hosts discuss how the Corona Virus has affected their lives and the projects Leguizamo came out with.
For more information feel free to check out Hispanicize’s social media pages!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo