Homies Helping Homies Has Raised Over $1,400 for Indie TTRPG Performers

When I entered the Table Top RPG community as a performer I immediately recognized three major issues: A lack of diversity, it was hard to grow in this industry, and it was even harder to make money if you were not already well known. My solution to this problem was to host a series of events specifically geared to combat these concerns. Homies Helping Homies is a great one-shot monthly series that brings in four performers to play Dungeons & Dragons. However, there is a tip menu that offers an array of unique changes to the game for money. At the end of the event, the money raised gets split five ways!
Unlike any other event, viewers have come to love and appreciate Homies Helping Homies since it offers a fun experience while also putting money in the pockets of hard-working and talented folks! I am so proud of hosting this event every month and so far HHH has raised over $1,400 with just two shows thus far. Real money to be used by these indies so that they can purchase supplies for their business or even just help them pay rent!
Involved in these events are a wide range of awesome content creators with backgrounds in Twitch streaming, cosplay, modeling, and more! There will always be cast members who are PoC or LGBTQ to ensure that the goal of normalizing inclusion and paying performers is realized. My heart is so full of happiness and pride that we could make this work and will continue to host these events!
If you would like to participate in a Homies Helping Homies event, feel free to join my Discord and I’ll be sure to put you on the roster!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo