How APIs Effect Video Games

Have you heard of APIs before? Probably. However, did you know that they’re a huge part of the gaming industry? Without APIs, video games simply wouldn’t be the force that they are today. Not to mention, online gaming would be pretty much impossible.

APIs are commonly used across different software and applications. Their purpose is to allow applications to access and exchange data across operating systems and microservices. Essentially, they’re the middleman that makes things tick. 

Imagine a waiter at a restaurant. The waiter works as the medium between you and the chef, right? Well, that’s how APIs work in the internet world.

APIs perform the same when it comes to video games. Through the API gateway, retrieving data and managing the video game database are made incredibly simple. Learn more about what is api gateway.  

What Can Video Game APIs Do? 

So, what can video game APIs do? The list is endless, but let’s take a look at some common examples: 

  • Retrieve data (any kind of data related to the video game) 
  • Retrieve statistics (such as kills and deaths in Call of Duty) 
  • Register subscriptions (for example, if you subscribe to the ‘Fortnite Battle Pass’) 
  • Rewards (PlayStation trophies etc.) 
  • Maps (almost all FPS and battle royale games come with a variety of maps) 

Essentially, APIs can be used for anything. In a world where online gaming has exploded in popularity, this is something you can’t put a price on. Developers can manage user databases much more easily whilst providing a high-value experience to the players. 

What are the Most Popular Video Game APIs? 

Of course, there’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach when it comes to video game APIs. Everyone is different when it comes to their needs and requirements. Essentially, it’s all about the content of the game, its applications, and the severs. 

The RAWG Video Game Database API is one of the most popular APIs today, with more than 350,000 games across a variety of platforms (both console and mobile). Essentially, this API allows developers to access a huge open video game database (as mentioned above, there are over 350,000 to work with). Some of the best endpoints include ‘games’, ‘platforms’, ‘tags’, ‘genres’, and ‘creators’. 

Over recent years, Call of Duty games have gained a cult following around the world, so it’s impossible not to mention the incredible Call of Duty: Modern Warfare API. This API works across a variety of platforms, including PSN, Steam, and UNO; enabling the franchise to provide players with tons of in-game data and stats that are both useful and entertaining to them. Also, the Modern Warfare API receives consistent updates, enabling performance levels to remain high.

Then, of course, there’s PokéAPI. It has all the Pokémon data you could ever need about the Pokémon main game series (which has spanned across multiple handheld devices). Each month, it receives around 250,000,000 API calls, which highlights just how popular it is. After all, people want to absorb as much information as they can about the different Pokémon, their abilities, and more.

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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