If you’re interested in playing casino games online, you’ve no doubt been bombarded by the different offers, bonuses and promotions made by betting companies.
It can be overwhelming for some people, especially new players. The language and terminology they use may be a bit alien, and the terms and conditions may be annoyingly stringent.
That’s why we created this guide – to give you the insight you need to choose the best casino bonuses and promotions.
Before we get to that point, though, let’s take a look at the types of bonuses to look out for.
What bonuses and promotions should you look out for?
It’s important to familiarize yourself with the common offers made by betting companies so you know what’s good and what isn’t. Here are some of the most common promotions:
- Matched first bet/deposit – one of the most lucrative bonuses offered by casinos is the matched first bet or deposit. The latter option is the better of the two. The reason why is that when you place your first deposit in your betting account, the casino will match it. So, if you deposit $50, you’ll be credited with $50. A first bet bonus works in a similar way. If you bet $20, then the casino will match it, meaning your stake is $40, so if you win, you get double the return. Keep your eyes peeled because some online casinos offer to match deposits or bets up to $2,000.
- Free spins – some betting companies offer you free spins on slot machine games when you first sign up. Others may credit you with spins for being a loyal player. Be sure to check the terms and conditions with these offers; they’re sometimes limited to specific games.
- Free credit – occasionally, a betting company will simply offer you free credit to play games with. Any money you make, you can keep. These are a rarer type of deal nowadays, but they do spring up from time to time. And it’s also not uncommon for betting companies to credit the account of existing players so they can try new games.
This list is by no means exhaustive. Betting companies will regularly change up their offers and promotions to entice players away from their competitors, so it helps to keep an eye out.
Now we know what to look out for, let’s work out how to choose the best bonuses.
Read reviews
To gain real insight into the best bonuses and promotions, it helps to check out reviews. In hearing about the first-hand experience of players and industrial professionals, you’re able to make a more informed decision.
For example, if you were to read a Leo Vegas online casino review before playing, you’d have a good grasp of how a particular casino operates and what kind of deals and promotions it offers.
To gain a solid understanding, it helps to look at independent third-party review sites, such as Trustpilot. In-depth reviews by the likes of industry magazines or newspapers can also be helpful.
Research the casino
Related to checking out reviews of a casino, it’s also important to do some proper research. Sometimes, if a bonus or promotion sounds too good to be true, there’s a chance it could be.
It’s not uncommon for companies to advertise grandiose deals, only for you to later learn about the strict qualifying terms and conditions. And you may not realize this until you’ve deposited your money or even until after you’ve made your first bet.
By reading the likes of reviews or speaking with people who have tried the casino or taken advantage of their bonuses before, you’ll be in a better decision to make an informed choice.
Utilize free bet bonuses
The gambling market is fiercely competitive. This can be a good thing for players, who can benefit from some potentially beneficial bonuses and offers. Betting companies will even occasionally allow players to literally play their games for free – you’re likely to see this with offers like free spins on slot machine games or when you’re given free credit to spend.
If you’re at all unsure about a casino and don’t want to commit, then utilizing these free bet bonuses can be a good way to test it out. You could experiment with the slots they offer or try a live roulette table.
The idea is to experiment with no strings attached, which is good for players who may even be allowed to cash out their free winnings.
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