Stress relief can be difficult to find when you’re short on time and patience, but that doesn’t mean you should resign yourself to stress-filled days. In fact, your best bet for stress relief may be right at your fingertips, whether you’re at home or out on the go. With just a few minutes here and there throughout the day, you can find stress relief in many places—indoors and outdoors, alone and with others—and eliminate your stress completely as soon as today!
The Importance Of Stress Relief
Under a lot of stress? According to the American Institute for Stress, 55% of Americans are stressed during the day, and over 60% quit their job to prevent too much stress. Over 9 in 10 workers name chronic stress as one of the most common health complaints in the workplace. Stressful situations may be unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean they should affect you in the long term. It’s important to remember why stress is bad for you in general. Under prolonged periods of stress, your body is constantly in alert mode, keeping all your muscles tense and increasing your heart rate. This can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and even mental health issues like depression or anxiety. We often think of our career as a reward for hard work—it’s rarely looked at as something that could be stressful and overwhelming.
How To Approach Stress Relief On A Busy Schedule
If you’re short on time, you need stress-relief solutions that fit into your schedule and feel like a part of your life. It should be so natural that it’s easy to keep up with. There are two things to consider when it comes to stress relief. Firstly, stress doesn’t disappear on its own, especially if you frequently face stress factors in your day-to-day life. Secondly, your stress relief strategy of choice needs to deliver fast and effective results. You need quick solutions that don’t disturb your hectic schedule. So what kind of stress relief could work for busy people like you?
Play Retro Video Games
Video games have gotten a bad rap over their potential negative impact on work and social life. But playing video games can be a fun way to relieve stress and get away from your hectic career for an hour. Plus, recent research has shown that games might actually help improve our hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and information processing—all of which are important for career advancement. A title to try to include on the list of must-have relaxing games is Unusual Findings, which brings a soothing 80s vibe, taking you right back to the sweet gaming memories of your childhood. Feel-good effect guaranteed! You can also have a look at some oldies but goodies, such as Day of the Tentacles, which is available online, and the Back to the Future retro game.
Try HIIT workouts
Most people would think of walking as a good low-stress, low-impact way to burn calories and relieve stress. However, if you’re short on time, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are actually proven to reduce stress in a short time. HIIT is especially effective for stress relief because it boosts endorphins and releases adrenaline, causing your brain to release a natural feel-good chemical called serotonin. According to a medical study, HIIT is highly helpful at targeting not only stress but also anxiety and depression, even if you only exercise for a short amount of time.
Relax With CBD Products
A lot of people turn to hard drugs or alcohol when they’re feeling stressed out. But you don’t have to put yourself at risk—there are safer, natural ways to relieve stress. Talk with your doctor about CBD supplements, such as Delta 9 THC Gummies, which may help promote a more relaxed mood. CBD can contribute to overall relaxation, targeting stress and anxiety. It can also be a fantastic solution to help soothe those muscular tensions that build after prolonged stress exposure. Edibles hit their peak roughly between 1.5 and 4 hours after consumption. If you don’t want to take strong medication, check out these effective stress-relief products.
Use Essential Oils In Your Home For Calming Effects
By diffusing a scented essential oil through your home, you can help alleviate stress and calm down in minutes. Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Sandalwood are some of our favorite oils for relaxing. If you’re interested in using them, we have a list of recommendations here on the best oils for stress relief and how to use them effectively at home. Essential oils can help create a soothing environment that contributes to relaxing the body and then calming the mind.
In a world where everything goes fast, it can be tough to make time for relaxation. Not everyone enjoys the thought of slow-paced techniques, such as yoga or meditation. So, when you are in a rush, you can find hyper-focused stress-relief tips that work around your tight schedule.
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo